Letter: Delusional people steadfastly believe things that are not true – Alexandria Echo Press

To the editors:

I recently calculated how many therapy sessions I have conducted over the course of my 35-year career as a psychologist (licensed psychologist). Average number of clients per week. Number of weeks worked per year. Number of years. Over 42,000 therapy sessions.

During this time, I learned that the most difficult patients are delusional. Delusional people are people who unwaveringly believe things that are not true. Most importantly, these erroneous beliefs simply cannot be changed. They are ingrained and will always remain so. No medication will help. No therapy will help.

Many people in America today believe things about socialism that are not true. Letters to the editor of the Echo Press reflect these delusions. I have no illusions about changing the minds of people who have such misguided ideas.

But the rest of humanity should please open up and do a little research. You will find that the countries that are the happiest according to the population report are socialist countries. Of course, I realize that some socialist countries have done a terrible job and the population is unhappy. But the countries with universal health insurance, publicly funded higher education, and publicly funded transportation are far happier than the citizens of the United States.

Jon Koll
Alexandria, Minnesota

By Olivia

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