Prevention is better than treatment, says Dr. Hafiz

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Dr. Hayan Naser and nurse Gemma Girke have their blood pressure measured. Photo: Murray Bridge Day and Night

National Stroke Week was celebrated this year from August 5th to 11th.

Did you know that Australians in the regions 17 percent suffer a stroke more often than people in big cities?

Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery is urging people to know the signs and potentially save a life.

Dr. Hafiz Tanveer-Ul-Hassan says that when it comes to medical problems like strokes, prevention is always better than treatment.

More than 80% of strokes can be prevented.

Doctor Hafiz recommends maintaining healthy lifestyle habits such as physical activity and a balanced, healthy diet.

It is recommended at least 30 minutes moderate-intensity physical activity on five or more days per week.

“This is very important for reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease,” he said.

Other Risk factors Factors responsible for a stroke include smoking, alcohol consumption, stress levels, family history and, above all, blood pressure.

In 2020, 6,535 people suffered a stroke for the first time Age: 54 years and below.

Dr. Hafiz recommends that people aged 45 and over undergo regular health check-ups.

As people age, these risk factors increase, so we encourage more people to come to our office and have their blood pressure checked, he said.

It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. Photo: Canva

The initial Symptoms of a stroke may cause weakness, numbness or paralysis on one or both sides of the body, dizziness, loss of vision, headache and difficulty swallowing.

Wendy Ziersch, practice manager, said there are certain things family members can look for when an older relative is in the early stages of a stroke, such as the fast rule.

The FAST test requires you to ask the following simple questions:

  • Face- Look at her face. Is her mouth hanging down?

  • Weapons Can you lift both arms?

  • Speech- Is their speech unclear? Do they understand you?

  • Time- This is important. If you notice any of these signs, call 000 immediately.

“As we get older, people’s lives become more and more stressful… so we really need to put ourselves first.”

In a rural community, it’s more common to put one’s health aside, she said.

“Just ask your doctor.”

Ms Ziersch also reminded people that it is not too late to get a flu shot and stay one step ahead of flu season.

By Olivia

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