11 Movies That Would Be Better If They Were Set in Alabama

Have you ever wondered how different (and dare we say, better) your favorite movie would be if it were set in Alabama?

This is Alabama recently asked its Facebook followers which movie they thought would have been better if it had been filmed in Alabama. The answers are quite valid and funny. After all, a James Spann appearance in a movie called Twister is a must-see, and a flick called Fear and Loathing in Phenix City? Well, we’d watch it.

You can see some of the responses below, and you can also see some movies already set in Alabama that readers think would have been better if they filmed in Alabama… because believe it or not, it wasn’t “Sweet Home Alabama.”

Movies that would be better if they were set in Alabama


Meteorologist James Spann. (Ben Flanagan/

“‘Twister’. You could use James Spann. The polygon would be a much better tool than Dorothy.” — Brooks Hughey

“‘The Eagle Dies Alone,’ except they have to jump off Chimney Rock and jet ski to the Kowaliga Bridge. But before they can walk across, the bridge is blown up by illegal fireworks, so they go to eat at the SpringHouse instead.” — Christine Turner

“Move Paper Moon back to Alabama, where the book was originally set. Birmingham was not the ideal setting for a movie in the late ’60s, so the story was moved to the Plains.” — Derek Scudder

“‘The Godfather.’ I’m going to bake him a cookie he can’t refuse.” – Brandon Staggs

The Martian. Of course the name would have to be changed…” – Paul Cochran

“‘LA Story’ (from Lower Alabama, of course.)” — Stacy Carlisle Patel

“‘Fear and Loathing’ (in Phenix City.)” — John Pinkney

“‘New York, New York’ could be Vinegar Bend, Vinegar Bend.” — Alan Rhodie Mortensen

“Harold and Kumar’s Barbecue Adventure” — Bobby Edmondson

“Any horror movie with animals: Arachnophobia, Jaws, Kingdom of Spiders, etc.” — Harrison B. Black

“Lord of the (Onion) Rings” –Jeff Lancaster

Tom Hanks Forrest Gump Football

Tom Hanks plays for the Alabama Crimson Tide in “Forrest Gump.” (Paramount)

Films that would be better if they filmed in Alabama

“‘Sweet Home Alabama’! I couldn’t believe the movie wasn’t filmed in Alabama!” — Lydia Whitlock Barber

“‘Forrest Gump’: No filming took place in Alabama.” — Martha Haas-Hill

“‘Green Tomatoes’ should be remade and filmed in Alabama.” – Jennifer Bice

“‘To Kill a Mockingbird'” – Emily Wilson

By Olivia

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