25 Important Things to Consider at Your Bills Tailgate Party

Football season is here. We only have one more preseason game to get in shape for the regular season.

It happens every year. You show up for your tailgate party. You have big plans. You want it to be the best tailgate party ever! Then you unpack all your stuff and realize you don’t have everything you need.

The most important things are food, drinks and company, but there are plenty of other things to think about as well.

I had a season ticket for years. Week after week, we would cook, drink and drink some more before games. It was a weekly ritual. And I’m not going to lie, we made our mistakes. One week we wanted to make breakfast sandwiches in the parking lot, but we forgot to flip the bacon in the pan. We ran out of propane and we even forgot a can opener to open the hot dog sauce.

In Buffalo, you can usually find someone who will lend you anything you need. We’re usually friendly here (unless you’re rooting for the other team), but it’s easier to remember to bring everything yourself.

That’s why I’ve put together this checklist for you. There are probably a few extra things you absolutely must have for your tailgate. But these are pretty basic/important things to have.

What did I leave out that you ABSOLUTELY MUST have?

25 essential things to bring to your tailgate

Gallery credit: Brett Alan

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By Olivia

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