3 fully remote part-time jobs you should try in 2024

Are you looking for a new professional adventure this year? It’s not too late to change careers or try something new.

Sometimes it’s good to change things up in your job or career and try a new work style or a new job altogether to keep things interesting and ensure you continue to enjoy your work while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This breaks the monotony and allows you to remain calm inside because you now have more time to focus on other things outside of work and look after your wellbeing.

Flexible working models, which have become buzzwords these days, seem to be the perfect solution. But can you imagine what it would be like if you combined two or more types of flexible working?

For example, there are some jobs that are 100% remote but allow you to Also You may work part-time, have flexible hours, or have the opportunity to work as a contractor rather than an employee.

When you find these jobs, it’s almost like you’ve discovered pure gold because such a combination is rare to find.

An easy way to find fully remote part-time jobs that allow you to pursue your passions and skills is to use FlexJobs or a similar flexible job board like WeWorkRemotely or It’s worth mentioning, however, that (at the time of writing) there is no specific filter for part-time jobs on the WeWorkRemotely website, although you can filter by contract and full-time jobs only.

As an example of the diversity of the offer, here are three positions that are currently advertised on the FlexJobs remote job board and are also offered part-time:

1. Remote Mental Health Therapist

As a remote psychotherapist, your job involves providing counseling and therapy services to clients through online platforms such as video calls/meetings, phone calls or chats. You will assess your clients’ mental health status and make diagnoses on a daily basis, while developing treatment plans to address issues such as anxiety, depression and other emotional or psychological problems.

You can maintain confidentiality and build relationships with clients and their families—all while earning an average of $66,459 to $82,125 from the comfort of your own home (assuming you have the right work environment at home, of course). And it’s convenient for clients who may be struggling to receive in-person therapy to improve their mental well-being.

FlexJobs offers a variety of positions for therapists, including part-time and remote positions that pay up to $50 an hour, and in some cases, $90.

2. Remote interpreters

As a remote interpreter, your job is to facilitate communication, ensure understanding and break down barriers between parties who speak different languages. You do this by translating spoken language or sign language in real time, through online platforms or even over the phone.

You may be needed in a variety of situations, such as court proceedings, telehealth appointments, and other important meetings. Clarity and precision are essential for this role.

At the time of writing this article, there are several part-time remote interpreter jobs available on FlexJobs.

3. Offensive Remote Security Engineer

Describing the role of an offensive security engineer and the expectations associated with it, one company stated in the job posting on FlexJobs that the engineer would be expected to perform “penetration testing of web and mobile applications, APIs, and other corporate resources.” The role also includes analyzing source code and architecture, and providing actionable recommendations and training to development teams, according to the employer.

For positions like these, the average salary typically ranges from $118,703 to $145,849, according to statistics from

Whether you think mental health, wellbeing and counselling are your forte, or translation or even engineering is for you, these remote part-time jobs are available to you. Not only do they pay well, but they also finally give you the peace of mind that you can use the rest of your working hours for your own wellbeing, professional and personal development and spending time with the people who matter most to you.

By Olivia

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