3 Things Educators and Staff Should Know About Content Use and Trigger Warnings | Health and Wellness Services

A classroom full of students

As a campus community, we should all strive to foster trauma-informed, resilient, and inclusive classrooms and communities. When difficult topics arise in classes or discussions, content warnings may seem like an obvious solution or a default strategy to prepare students.

Here are some things to know about content warnings, as well as information on how to implement more trauma-informed practices in your classroom.

1. What are content/trigger warnings?

Content and trigger warnings include any verbal or written warnings that precede potentially distressing content. In a classroom context, these warnings are sometimes used to cover things like reading materials, lecture content, videos, homework, or topics that may come up in class discussions.

Warnings are based on assumptions about how students might react or respond. They also indirectly convey that only certain topics can be distressing. When trigger and content warnings are used in this way, they often overlook the range of ways in which trauma reactions manifest in people.

Furthermore, content and trigger warnings rarely help people avoid certain topics because, in practice, they occur within a very short period of time. Moreover, research suggests that they may even increase feelings of distress or anxiety in some people.

2. Why are content/trigger warnings used?

Trigger and content warnings are often used with good intentions. In many cases, they are intended to:

  • Provide emotional support
  • Help people prepare for or avoid material that might remind them of trauma.
  • Make people aware that content relates to the experiences of historically marginalized groups
  • Acknowledge strong emotional reactions or dysregulation related to difficult topics
  • Show solidarity with marginalized communities and/or trauma survivors

While it is important to recognize that each student has a unique life, history, and issues, addressing a “trigger warning” immediately before discussing a topic is neither a trauma-informed nor inclusive approach to teaching content.

3. How can we implement more trauma-informed practices?

The best way to prepare students for your courses is to be transparent about what content you plan to cover and when. Try to make this a regular practice for all content and assignments (not just those you think might be stressful). This will help students build their confidence and strengthen their decision-making skills.

Use your curricula
Use your syllabus as a guide to communicate to students what content you plan to teach. Your syllabus should include a schedule of assignments, class discussions, and other materials you plan to cover.

Give timely reminders
Reminding students of upcoming assignments and lecture topics can help them prepare for class. You can remind them in class, through Canvas, or regularly throughout your syllabus. Since we can’t know what content will be stressful for students, regularly reminding them of upcoming topics gives them the best opportunity to practice self-care and self-advocacy.

Focus on the content rather than the effect
Regardless of what content you choose to cover, it’s important not to make or communicate assumptions about how students will respond to certain topics or materials. Instead, focus on openly explaining all topics and subject areas from the beginning. Here are some examples:

  • As I announced on Canvas, I will be covering (topic) in class today.
  • Next week we will cover (topic/motif).
  • This video is about (topic/motif) and contains scenes and images that depict (topic/motif).

Be careful of unexpected reactions
No one can predict what might or might not be a trigger for individual people. For example, certain smells, sounds, or images may be distressing for some trauma victims but not for others. Avoid labeling content as distressing, as this may not match students’ emotional experiences.

It’s also important not to assume a student has a triggering reaction or to single them out based on their reaction. Instead, try speaking to the whole class. For example, you might ask things like, “How do we feel about this content?” or “Should we take a short break?” Asking students to give a thumbs up or thumbs down is a great way to gauge the general mood without forcing anyone to reveal their own reaction.

Be open to feedback
While we all want to support our students, you may need to keep reminding them that you are open to feedback. Here are some strategies to help students recognize that they can come to you with feedback:

  • Regularly remind students of office hours and inform them what to expect when they meet with you.
  • Get student input on assigned readings or lectures. You can ask things like, “Did you find this article helpful?” or “Would you like me to post the full slide presentation on Canvas?”
  • Share changes you’ve made based on feedback from other students so your class knows their input is important.

Consider student feedback
If a student shares that they were impressed by certain content, take them seriously. Be sure to thank them for their feedback and acknowledge their feelings.

Brainstorm with them how they can meet the learning objectives of your course while also taking care of themselves. You might use strategies such as offering the option to do homework instead of attending class, allowing flexibility in missing class, or offering the opportunity to absorb the content through another medium (for example, a student could read about a topic rather than watch a representation of it). When possible, let the student take the lead. They are best placed to identify which aspects of assignments or content are distressing or push their own emotional boundaries.

Take advantage of resources and training opportunities
Staff and faculty can take advantage of a variety of support resources and training opportunities on campus to help them improve their teaching practices. Here are some examples.

Resources for professional development

Trauma-informed presentations
OVA offers a variety of trauma-related presentations on topics such as trauma support, self-help for vicarious trauma, making referrals, trauma recovery, and more.

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

CTL provides consultations, resources, programs and workshops for staff and teachers who want to improve their teaching practices, ask questions and have courageous conversations in the classroom.

Supporting resilience training for students

Health and Wellness Services offers a free three-part training series that covers student mental health, coping with trauma, and motivational interviewing. You can sign up for any or all of the topics in the series.

Support with teaching practices

The Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) offers a free guide and resources to help staff and faculty meet course expectations and navigate difficult classroom dynamics.

Don’t ignore it

Learn about confidential support resources, ways to report concerns, share referrals, and skills to help others.

Resources for recommendations and reports

Student Support and Case Management (SSCM)

If you are unsure if a student needs support or don’t know who to refer them to, SSCM is a good place to start. You can fill out an online referral form, email, or call to share your concerns. SSCM case managers provide personalized support and help connect students with campus partners, community resources, and other support systems.

Office for Victim Assistance (OVA)

Staff and faculty can refer students and their colleagues to OVA for confidential support, counseling, advocacy, and short-term trauma-informed counseling services. They also provide support for those helping someone cope with a traumatic experience.

Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC)

OIEC implements and enforces University policies regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, stalking, and conflicts of interest.

If you or a student are affected, you can submit the report online. Anonymous reporting is also possible.

Reporting obligation

All employees with the authority to hire, promote, discipline, evaluate, grade, officially advise, or direct faculty, staff, or students will be considered.

“responsible employees” and must report alleged discrimination and sexual misconduct to the OIEC.

By Olivia

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