3 zodiac signs will break away from the past on August 29, 2024

It’s not always easy to break away from the past, because the past has made us who we are. But on August 29, 2024, we’ll see that this could be the start of a whole new mindset for three zodiac signs. The astrological transit of the Moon trine Saturn helps us understand that the past has its limits when it comes to the lessons we learn, and that those lessons are finite.

Three signs will take the power of the lunar trine with Saturn and use it to reorient our interests. We may feel trapped in the past, and with energetic planets like Saturn, we feel like slaves to the past and can’t help but feel the pressure to give in.

Unfortunately, that’s not what these three signs will be doing. This is one of those now-or-never moments where we take some time and rebuild our lives, right now, in the present.

Moon trine Saturn reminds us that the past is always there, but we don’t have to keep referring to it in our present life. On this day we break free.

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Three zodiac signs will break away from the past on August 29, 2024.

1. Taurus

Taurus zodiac sign will free itself after August 29, 2024 Tweemoji | Canva

If someone in your life reminds you of the person you once were, you might get angry at them since you’ve taken every step to escape past or devaluing behavior patterns. You’ve worked very hard on yourself, Taurus, and you deserve a break.

What you don’t need is constant reminders of your past from people and their outdated opinions. You know you’ve overcome all your problems from the past and you get annoyed that this old story keeps being brought up. It doesn’t help.

What helps is the transit of the Moon trine Saturn, which will make you accept who you are now and give you the strength to separate yourself from those who want to take you back to the past. That’s their problem and nothing you need to worry about anymore. It’s time to move on.

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2. Virgo

Virgo zodiac signs free themselves after August 29, 2024 Tweemoji | Canva

On August 29th, you’ll do something that will shock even you: you’ll officially say goodbye to the past. This is a huge deal, and it’s not just about one thing; it’s about a whole bunch of things that you’ve realized aren’t working for you, and now, with the Moon and Saturn trine, you’ll say goodbye to those things of the past.

You feel like you’ve already wasted so much time honoring a state of mind that you don’t indulge in. You’ve been acting like a robot following a program, and you are not a robot. This Thursday, you will surprise yourself with your resilience and amaze those in your life who expect you to behave a certain way.

That’s it, Virgo. This is the day to commit to the present and move on from a past that no longer works for you. It’s time to make room for new lessons in life; you have everything you can get out of the past, and Saturn is reminding you that if you don’t leave it behind, you’ll be stuck. No. That’s not going to happen.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius zodiac sign will free itself after August 29, 2024 Tweemoji | Canva

Detaching yourself from the past is something you seem to do more often than you care to, as the past constantly calls you back for further reflection. You begin to realize that you will be stuck with the past until you eradicate the last little remnants.

You will find it much easier to break down the things that make a part of the past valuable into individual sections. No, of course you don’t have to leave your entire past behind as there is much to draw on, but living in the past? Now you can break free from it.

Since Saturn constantly reminds us of what once was, it’s easy to get too lost in thoughts and memories of the old days. However, the wisdom of this planet is optimized to help you, Sagittarius, recognize what’s worth keeping and what belongs in the trash. Saturn brings you discretion in decisions and the ability to break free.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

By Olivia

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