3 zodiac signs will free themselves from lovesickness on August 11, 2024

Sunday, August 11th is the day we free ourselves from our grief. As our astrological readings show, we get a helping hand from our good and loving friend Venus. Three zodiac signs will help us understand that this could actually be the last day we feel that pain that aches in our hearts because of someone we once knew.

What comes from acknowledging heartbreak slowly but surely goes unnoticed. We may even laugh at ourselves for a moment or two that day when we realize we are no longer carrying that heavy burden.

It seems like we let go of the pain some time ago and have continued to carry it around with us out of habit. August 11th shows us that Venus really does bring something, and that “good” will show us three signs today as “liberation.” We may not have tried. But our small efforts to find peace have led us there.

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On August 11, 2024, three zodiac signs will be free from past sorrow.

1. Aries

Zodiac sign Aries frees itself from lovesickness on August 11, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

That strong Venus-Scorpio energy is working for us, and if anyone can wield it, it’s you, Aries. That means you’ll use this day to heal your aching heart if you’re suffering from a heartbreak that you eventually see as pointless.

What has made you hold on to your grief is that you wanted to find meaning in it, because that would give relevance to your pain. No one wants to suffer in vain, and although AT ONCE there was a good reason to feel grief, now you feel it is time to let go.

You’re not doing anyone any favors by holding on to this grief, and you owe your past nothing by enduring the pain. Getting paid doesn’t make anything more valuable, so with the help of this day’s Venus-Scorpio transit, you can let go of the pain that’s not serving you and never will be serving you again.

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2. Twins

Gemini zodiac signs free themselves from lovesickness on August 11, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

You’ve been carrying a suitcase full of sorrow for far too long. Even though you’re fully aware of it, you haven’t been willing to let go of that baggage because you felt safe in its presence. In other words, you’ve begun to identify your pain as a part of you – something you can’t let go of.

Then there’s August 11th and the power of a Venus-Scorpio transit, which just happens to hold the key to that suitcase and its belongings. What’s in there is the past, and you’ve been dragging it around like it’s a cure for cancer, but it’s not, Gemini. It’s your pain, and it’s time for you to let it go.

Since you respond well to the power of Venus, you can see that self-love and self-respect are needed here. Venus makes it easy for you to honor yourself and rise above grief, making it less impactful. August 11th is the day to leave grief behind. Now move on. Do the right thing.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius zodiac sign will free themselves from lovesickness on August 11, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

The only way to ever let go of this grief is to consciously let it go. While this won’t happen in a hot flush, it’s definitely something you’ve been working on. It just so happens that you’re in the right place at the right time during the transit of Venus to see your efforts work now.

You feel no attachment to the past, but the memory lingers and deceives you into thinking that you care. It doesn’t matter to you, or at least much less than you think. That’s what you need to focus on today, Sagittarius. The fact that this memory only brings you pain. You won’t get a “happy memory” out of it.

This is how you make it go away. On Sunday you choose happiness over misery. You show yourself that letting go is good and that you intend to catch up as the days go by. You no longer cling to the pain. Let the good times come!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

By Olivia

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