5 foods you should avoid if you have severe hair loss

Have you ever wondered why your hair falls out despite all the precautions you take? Most of the time it’s due to the weather, hair care products, stress or a bad lifestyle, but that’s not all – certain foods can also cause hair loss. If you suffer from severe hair loss, you should avoid these 5 foods.

5 foods to avoid if you have hair loss.




Sugar – Yes, you read that right. Excessive consumption of sugar is as harmful to your hair as it is to the body. Insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes and obesity, can also cause hair loss or even baldness in both men and women, according to research. It is also known that sugar can hinder the absorption of proteins necessary for hair growth.




Alcohol – Did you know that alcohol is not only bad for your liver, but also for your hair? Just like sugar, alcohol can also interfere with protein synthesis. Hair contains a protein called keratin and its loss can make hair dull and brittle.




Fish – Because climate change and overfishing have increased the concentration of methylmercury in fish in recent decades, fish are the most common source of mercury exposure. Although fish are generally good for health, fish with high mercury levels, such as swordfish, mackerel, shark, and some species of tuna, may cause more harm than good.

Junk food

Junk foodJunk food

Junk food

Junk food – As obvious as it may sound, junk food is your body’s biggest enemy. Too much fatty and fried food increases levels of the hormone DHT, which is linked to alopecia.

Diet lemonade

Diet lemonadeDiet lemonade

Diet lemonade

Diet lemonade – Sugar in general is not good for the body, diet soda contains added sweeteners. Aspartame, the sweetener, can damage hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss.

The article “5 Foods to Avoid If You’re Having Severe Hair Loss” first appeared on BreezyScroll.

Read more on BreezyScroll.

By Olivia

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