818,000 jobs lost in the Labor Department expose Biden’s economic lie

“Bidenomics works,” Kamala Harris and the rest of the administration told Americans for months. They only abandoned that line when polls repeatedly showed it wasn’t working, even as their media allies pointed to various economic statistics to argue that the public was simply wrong.

And now that she is the Democratic nominee, Harris insists that she will fix everything, even though the details remain vague and she has not yet announced a single break with Biden’s policies of the past three and a half years.

And last week the news came that the public was right in at least one important area and the statistics were wrong: The Bureau of Labor Statistics revised its count of jobs created from April 2023 to March 2024 downward by 818,000 – the largest downward revision since 2009.

As a result, the estimated total increase in jobs during these twelve months increased from 2.9 million to 2.1 million, an increase of almost 30 percent.

And when a reporter asked Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo about the grim news, she responded with the nuance typical of the Democrats responsible for so much economic suffering: “I don’t believe it,” because the reporter had asked her to respond to a clip in which Donald Trump cited the statistics.

That means: One of the leading Democrats in economic policy did not know about important economic news and resorted to Orange Man Bad.

No wonder the economy stinks under Biden and Harris.

Of course, the public has many reasons to view the economy differently than the statistics cited by Democratic supporters justify, including the fact that the job growth that Biden and Harris are actually producing comes largely from public sector or government-funded health care jobs.

People also know that prices for food, gasoline and other basic goods have skyrocketed during the Biden-Harris years, while credit card debt has reached record highs.

Three out of five Americans believe the United States is in a recession.

Democrats and their supporters in the press have abandoned the “don’t believe your lying eyes (or bank accounts)” defense.

Instead, they are trying to make the entire Biden presidency forgotten, as if they were replacing Joe with Kamala – but offers exactly the same economic approach – will somehow produce better results.

Seriously, when Harris accepted her nomination last Thursday, she promised she would “grow our economy” and “lower the cost of everyday needs like health care, housing and food.”

What does she plan to do to achieve this? Another $1.7 trillion in additional spending and $5 trillion in additional taxes.

The only new measures she announced are an imitation of Trump’s idea of ​​a tax exemption on tips and JD Vance’s proposal to increase the child tax credit.

Oh, and a flirtation with Senator Liz Warren’s price control agenda, although her staff (after even the liberal press criticized the idea) “clarified” that Harris didn’t really mean much by it, The.

Joe Biden’s economic policies were consistent with Democratic Party orthodoxy, and so would a President Harris, even if she implemented them with more “enthusiasm.”

The average American knows that he and his neighbors were doing well during the Trump years, but that he suffered a serious defeat after the Democrats took power.

And as Charles Gasparino puts it, “Harris has no idea how to run a $25 trillion economy. If she did, we would have heard about it by now.”

Jobs and the economy are top concerns for voters, and all Harris and her party have to offer are “vibes.”

By Olivia

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