Quint Studer | It is better to ask than to guess

I’m finding more and more that much of the performance is an open-book test. What do I mean by that? The questions and answers are available if you take the time and have the courage to ask. You’ll find some examples in this column.

I learned how a question can yield a helpful answer when I worked at Holy Cross Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. I was very fortunate that Mark Clement was the president and CEO. Mark is now president and CEO of TriHealth in Cincinnati, Ohio. At Holy Cross, we were interviewing consultants for a large project. As usual, each group presented their experiences and explained why selecting them would be a good decision. I had seen these presentations on other jobs. Typically, they would follow up with an evaluation matrix and have a discussion. What made this different was Mark’s question after each presentation. He asked, “Who was your best customer and what made them the best?” After each group answered, the next question was, “Of course, if you are selected and reach an agreement, both sides believe the work will be successful. When you think about your clients, what has caused an engagement to be less successful than hoped?” The final question was, “What questions did you expect to be asked that were not asked?” The answers led to a clear understanding of the characteristics that would bring success and failure. Mark’s questions led to the open-book test analogy.

This process can be repeated in most situations. I have done it myself many times. In my experience, it doesn’t happen often because the person needs time to answer the question. This process works internally and externally. One question in an employee engagement survey is “I am informed about matters that affect me.” My suggestion is to meet with employees and ask them what information is important to them. What do they want feedback on? How do they want to be informed? This is a question that is often poorly rated. Don’t guess, ask.

Feedback is important. Positive feedback is easy to give and receive. Most people are hesitant to give feedback that isn’t so positive. Many leaders are hesitant. They hope the situation will get better. It doesn’t. By the time they give feedback, the situation has already gotten worse. The person receiving the feedback feels blindsided and wonders why they didn’t know sooner. What I’ve learned from working with people, including many CEOs, is to ask the question, “Although I hope my feedback will be positive for you, there will probably be situations where it won’t be. How would you like to receive that feedback?” Often the person will respond, “In person and as soon as possible.” That still doesn’t make it any easier. When the conversation happens, it starts with, “When I asked you how you would like to receive information that isn’t positive, you said, ‘In person and as soon as possible.’ This is one of those moments.”

The same goes for people you lead. Most start in the honeymoon phase where it’s normal not to discuss negative feedback. One hopes it doesn’t have to happen. Ask the person how they plan to take feedback that isn’t positive. You can say that while you both hope it won’t be, it’s normal for people to receive feedback. While you may see it as helpful, the recipient may perceive it as negative. This is a healthy conversation to have.

Another common question to ask is, “What does right look like?” Don’t guess. Ask your manager, coworkers, and customers. Major League Baseball, through Minor League Baseball, surveys visiting team managers at every home game. They ask questions about the cleanliness of the tunnel between the locker room and the dugout, the dugout, and the clubhouse. A good general manager (who works for the minor league team whose stadium the games are played in) will ask the visiting team manager early on if the tunnel, clubhouse, and dugout meet their cleanliness standards. A bonus question: “If we had to visit another minor league team you play for to see which one is the cleanest, which one would it be?” Again, this is an open-book test.

Last week’s column: Don’t miss the gifts of listening | Studer

Do the same with your customers. People buy with expectations. Tell the customer, “We want you to feel that the product and/or service is exceptional. Describe what is exceptional to you.” For example, when my mother was alive and lived with us, I asked the lawn mower not to do any yard work before 9:00 a.m. and between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Why? My mother woke up late and took a nap. Good service providers ask, “When is a good time?”

At the end of a meeting, bring things full circle. Ask, “Did you expect this?” Let the staff meeting know that you hope to provide the information that is important to employees. How are you feeling? Is there anything missing?

How often does a restaurant manager stop to ask, “How is everything?” Often, their feet are still moving as they make their rounds. What if the manager stopped and asked, “Did you find what you liked on the menu? Is there anything on the menu that you wanted? Is the speed of service what you expected? Are the portion and temperature what you wanted?” Waiters can ask these questions too. It makes a difference.

Take the time to dig deeper and ask questions. Yes, we may not hear what we expected, but it is better to hear something and act on it than not to know.

Here’s my question: Do you find my columns helpful? What can be improved? Are there topics you think I should write about?

Thank you for helping me get better at what I do.

To purchase books or hear Quint Studer speak in person or virtually, please contact [email protected].

Quint is co-author (with Katherine A. Meese, PhD) of The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trust, a leadership resource that combines the latest workplace research with tactics proven to help people and organizations succeed. His book, Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired, offers actionable tools and techniques to help employees and clinicians find joy in their work and improve patients’ and families’ healthcare experiences. His book, The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special, helps healthcare professionals keep their passion and purpose high. On Sundays with Quint, he shares a selection of his popular leadership columns for leaders, employees, and business owners in all industries.

Quint is co-founder of Healthcare Plus Solutions Group, a consulting firm specializing in providing customized solutions to diagnose and treat healthcare organizations’ most pressing pain points.

For more information about Quint, visit

By Olivia

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