Event in Newark: Free distribution of school supplies, Italian ice cream

NEWARK, NJ — The following press release is issued courtesy of the Archdiocese of Newark. Find out how to post announcements or events on your local Patch site.

At Mercy House’s Back to School Giveaway and Italian Ice Cream Festival later this month, hundreds of free school supplies will be distributed to students in need, along with sweet treats perfect for cooling off in hot summer weather.

At least 500 backpacks filled with pens, crayons, notebooks and many other classroom supplies will be distributed starting at 11 a.m. at The Mercy House locations in Newark (on August 13), Jersey City (on August 15) and Elizabeth (on August 16). These items are brand new and appropriate for children in preschool through 12th grade. However, the drive will end when supplies run out, so families are asked to come early.

“School supplies are critical to a child’s academic success, but many of the families we serve do not have the means to afford everything needed for instruction,” said Cheryl A. Riley, director of The Mercy House. “At this event, we provide students with everything they need to get the school year off to a great start.”

Mercy House staff and volunteers give away school supplies every August, but this year’s is the largest yet. There will also be Italian ice for the first time. Every child and parent who visits the house will receive a free tub of frozen dessert, which comes in a variety of flavors. Choices include cherry, lemon, blue raspberry, watermelon, pina colada and chocolate.

“Mercy House is here to meet people’s needs, and that includes lifting their spirits,” Riley said. “This Italian Ice Festival is the latest way we’re bringing joy into their lives. Usually, community members come to us for essentials, but this time they’re getting a nice summer treat and a beautiful memory to take home.”

Like most Mercy House initiatives, the back-to-school gifts and Italian ice meet-up were made possible by The Mercy House’s donors. These include many Catholic parishes, with St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Elizabeth, St. Cassian Church in Upper Montclair and the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Somerville particularly contributing large amounts of supplies. Organizations such as Siemens in Morristown and the Knights of Columbus, St. Anthony Council #11585 in Wood-Ridge also provided significant support. The Italian ice was purchased through monetary donations.

Those who would like to help The Mercy House in the future have plenty of opportunities to do so. The Resource and Placement Center will hold its next event, a winter coat raffle, in October. The annual Thanksgiving turkey and Christmas gift raffles will follow in November and December, respectively. And finally, food donations are always accepted – which are much needed, as The Mercy House’s shelves were stripped bare last year by the influx of new clients.

Founded in 2018, Mercy House provides non-perishable food, clothing, baby items, furniture, and job and housing assistance to those in need. Its three locations in Newark, Jersey City, and Elizabeth serve approximately 300 people each week. To volunteer or donate, contact Cheryl A. Riley at [email protected]. For more information, visit

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By Olivia

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