Astrologer recommends doing these 3 things to set yourself up for success before Mercury retrograde ends

Whenever Mercury retrograde comes along, most of us can’t help but sigh in despair. After all, it doesn’t have the best reputation out there. Known as the time of “caution,” it can often bring challenges and difficulties along the way.

But believe it or not, Mercury retrograde does have some benefits too! And according to astrologer Haley Comet, there are three things you can do to set yourself up for success before Mercury retrograde ends on August 28, 2024.

3 things you should do before Mercury retrograde ends

1. Complete half-finished projects

“Mercury will be retrograde in its exaltation sign, Virgo – an energy that is incredibly gifted at fine-tuning and focusing on imperfections to make something as good as it can be,” Comet began.

Faced with this energy, we must ask ourselves a simple question: How can we make things better? According to Comet, the best way to do this is to finish what needs to be done – in this case, half-finished projects or rushed work.

She continued, “Especially with Mercury meeting Venus this Wednesday,” which is also currently in the sign of Virgo, this could be a good time to review things and work them to perfection.

RELATED: 4 zodiac signs will experience significant changes during Mercury’s retrograde motion from August 5 to 28, 2024

2. Visit the creative cemetery

Although Mercury retrograde isn’t the best time to start new projects, “it’s a great time to visit the creative graveyard,” Comet added. “Stories you’ve half-written, canvases you’ve half-painted, focus on the details, bring them to life.”

Don’t underestimate the power of creativity! The National Library of Medicine has found that creativity increases our overall well-being. And during Mercury retrograde, a little extra creativity will bring you even greater benefits – and set you up for success.

RELATED: All the days Mercury will be retrograde in 2024 – and how each retrograde period affects you

3. Complete small tasks

Have you been meaning to clean out your closet lately but haven’t had the time? Now might be a good time to do it. Comet explained that you should focus on finding ways to clear your head before the next season begins.

“Resist the temptation to take on more,” Comet advises. Instead, focus on completing those “pesky little tasks.”

She continued, “Every time something takes up space in our mind, it loses energy.” So, she said, “check that off the list.”

After all, our daily lives are already a struggle and we have to do so much maintenance work just to keep up. But if we do these tasks and prepare ourselves, our lives may become much more pleasant, Comet explained.

RELATED: The only thing every zodiac sign needs to be successful in life

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology who covers the topics of self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology.

By Olivia

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