The 10 best rabbit cards in MTG


  • Despite their rarity in Magic: The Gathering, Rabbit cards have notable effects that can support decks or be the focus of a deck.
  • Rabbits tend to be symbolic and are well suited to large battlefields, giving them great impact in games.
  • Cards like Rabbit Battery, Burrowguard Mentor and Kwain, Itinerant Meddler are important Rabbit cards to consider for various strategies.

Rabbits have been a creature type since 1999, first appearing in the Portal Three Kingdoms set of Magic: The Gathering. Despite being so old, there aren’t actually many of them in the game. They have appeared as individual pieces in various sets, with Bloomburrow 2024 bringing a large amount of Rabbit cards to Magic.


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Although there are relatively few cards featuring Rabbits, they have made a big splash in Magic. Many have fantastic effects that either support other decks or are powerful enough to build your entire deck around. Rabbits often have token themes and play on large battlefields filled with monsters.

10 Rabbit battery

Hasty Buns

Rabbit Battery card with the card image in the background.

Rabbit Battery is a useful utility pet that can either act as an attacker on its own in the first round or slightly improve the stats of another pet and increase its speed.

One benefit of reconfiguring Rabbit Battery on a creature is that if a board wipe occurs, Rabbit Battery simply becomes a creature again, since it counts as an equipment while attached to a creature. Red is the color of aggro, and the ability to turn an attacker into an attacker of that color without haste can be very powerful in the right decks.

9 Cave Guard Mentor

Reach far, aim high

Burrowguard Mentor card with the card image in the background.

Burrowguard Mentor can get massive if you have a lot of creatures on the battlefield. As a base, it’s a 1/1 with trample, but with each creature put on the battlefield, that stat only increases.


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What makes Burrowguard Mentor so good is the ceiling. Trample is a top-tier ability, and the potential to have a high power and toughness creature with Trample for two mana is amazing. Burrowguard Mentor is rather weak if you don’t have enough creatures, but over the course of a game that will change.

8 Kwain, the wandering meddler

Group of rabbits hugging

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler map with the map image in the background.

If you’re playing with a group hug deck (a deck that helps other players so you’re not seen as a threat while you slowly build up your win condition), Kwain, Itinerant Meddler is often included because of its usefulness for strategy.

There is no downside to an opponent drawing a card, so Kwain often stays on the battlefield as he draws cards for everyone and gives them life. Drawing in group decks is crucial to strategy and is what makes Kwain such an important part of those decks.

7 Claim Jumper

Ramps in white

Claim Jumper card with the card image in the background.

Claim Jumper is one of the best ways to level up in white. If you’re really behind on lands, or if your opponents are in green and leveling up faster than you, it’s a great way to catch up and get multiple lands on the battlefield.

Claim Jumper allows you to get two levels out of your deck. They don’t have to be single levels, so you can get dual lands and triomes out of your deck to ensure you have access to all of your colors if you’re missing green in a multicolor deck.

6 Pollen-shield hare

Adventurous rabbit

Pollen Shield Hare card with the card image in the background.

Pollenshield Hare is a great card if you want to play a deck that focuses on creature tokens. The sorcery aspect of Pollenshield Hare helps suddenly turn any creature into a powerful attacker, especially if it can’t be blocked on the turn you use it.

On the battlefield, Pollenshield Hare’s static ability is a great way to buff all of your tokens. There are many other permanents that improve token stats, so if you combine all of these cards, your tokens, even if they’re 1/1, will still pose a threat in battle.

5 Shelf Bunnicorn

Permanent cards are power

MTG Regal Bunnicorn

Regal Bunnicorn is a rabbit that wants you to have as many permanent cards on the battlefield as possible. These can especially be token permanent cards, which are very easy to generate in the right decks, as lots of cards generate a lot of tokens.


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Regal Bunnicorn is played in Convoke decks because its stats reach high values ​​very easily. For only two mana, Regal Bunnicorn can have tremendous stats if you’ve successfully put a lot of permanents on the battlefield. Lands just don’t count.

4 Jackdaw Rabbit

Breeding rabbits

Jacked Rabbit card with the card image in the background.

Jacked Rabbit has the potential to create a ton of Rabbits every time it attacks. You can load as many +1/+1 counters onto it as you can spend mana on the X in its casting cost. If you have ways to put more counters onto it, such as through Proliferation, the number of Rabbits Jacked Rabbit can create grows even more.

You’ll want to make sure Jacked Rabbit always has plenty of +1/+1 counters on its creature, as this will keep you getting 1/1 Rabbit tokens every time it attacks, and its high stats will keep it out of harm’s way during combat.

3 Mrs. Hummel

Draw and counterattack

Ms. Bumbleflower card with card art in the background.

Ms. Bumbleflower is the main commander of the preconstructed Peace Offering Commander deck and one of the best Rabbits Magic has to offer. While she forces your opponent to draw cards, you’ll eventually draw cards yourself if you start casting multiple spells per turn.

It’s a great card for group hugs and +1/+1 counter decks. Ms. Bumbleflower also has great defensive stats and deters blockers, as five toughness can be difficult for decks to penetrate to ensure she stays in the fight. If you choose to give Ms. Bumbleflower counters, her stats can quickly get out of control.

2 Baylen, the haymaker

Token Utility

Baylen, the Haymaker card with the card image in the background.

Baylen, the Haymaker is a unique token commander that can achieve a variety of effects through taps. He can either generate mana, draw cards, or massively increase Baylen’s size with counters.

You can easily amass a large battlefield of Naya (Red/Green/White) colored tokens, allowing you to activate all of Baylen’s effects with ease. They are all versatile and great for both setting up and ending the game. Because Baylen is so easy to cast, you can continually amass tokens and use them with Baylen’s effect before your opponents have enough resources to deal with it.

1 Preston, the Vanishing Man

Pulling illusions out of the hat

Preston, the Vanisher card with the card image in the background.

Preston, the Vanisher is one of the best support cards for blink strategies in all of Magic. There are countless ways to get creatures into play without casting them, and when combined with token doublers, you can trigger the battlefield entry triggers countless times extra.

With the right cards, Preston can easily create infinite combos and draw a ton of cards, although the latter can be a problem for white. It also has great stats, making it hard to get rid of unless it is specifically removed.


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