New United Airlines app feature helps 18,000 passengers avoid middle seats – Davidson News

In a recent announcement, United Airlines revealed that over 18,000 passengers successfully avoided the dreaded middle seat last month thanks to a new app feature introduced in March. This innovative tool allows travelers to specify their seating preferences and automatically receive a free upgrade if a better seat becomes available before their flight. Choices include window, aisle, emergency exit or bulkhead rows to accommodate different passenger preferences.

New United Airlines app feature helps 18,000 passengers avoid middle seats – Davidson News
Source: USA Today

How the new app function works

United Airlines’ new app feature is designed to enhance the travel experience by allowing passengers to specify their preferred seat when booking a flight. Once a seat preference is specified, the app will automatically upgrade the passenger to a higher seat if a preferred seat in the same class of service becomes available. This upgrade opportunity is available up to 12 hours before departure. According to United, nearly 40% of travelers who made such requests were successfully upgraded to their desired seat before departure. In addition to helping passengers avoid the middle seat, this feature also takes into account other specific seating preferences travelers may have. Whether it’s a preference for an aisle seat for easy access or a window seat for a nice view, this new tool offers a higher level of customization and comfort.

Choosing the perfect seat

While the new feature significantly improves seat selection, knowing your seat options can enhance your flight experience even further. Websites like aeroLOPA provide valuable insight into seat configurations and window orientations, helping passengers make informed decisions about their seat preferences. This information can be especially useful when setting preferences in United’s app, ensuring travelers get the most out of their seat selection.

New United Airlines app feature helps 18,000 passengers avoid middle seats
Source: WSJ

By taking advantage of this new feature and the resources available to select the best seats, travelers can improve their overall flight experience. United Airlines’ commitment to improving passenger comfort is evident in this latest innovation, which makes it easier for travelers to avoid the middle seat and enjoy a more comfortable journey.

By Olivia

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