ESO – Benefit from the free game event at QuakeCon 2024

It’s never too late to explore the wonders of Tamriel, especially when it’s free! You can begin your journey through Elder Scrolls Online during QuakeCon 2024’s free play, which runs until Monday, August 19. Countless adventures await you on PC/Mac, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles!

Ready to get started? Then head to the Free Play page and select your platform! Note that a PlayStation Plus subscription is required for PlayStation users.

While the QuakeCon 2024 Free Play Event is active, players will gain access to the ESO base game, including four of the game’s classes: Wizard, Nightblade, Templar, and Dragonknight. There are 24 zones to explore, as well as ESO’s PvP game modes: Battlegrounds and Alliance War.

You can also try the free Gold Road Prologue quest from the in-game Crown Store.

“Have you participated in previous years’ free play events? You can pick up right where you left off and continue your adventures without losing your progress. And what’s even more exciting: all brand new ESO accounts will also receive 500 crowns to spend in the in-game Crown Store.”

Once the event is over, you can keep your progress by purchasing the full version of the game. The developers have also noted that both the ESO Standard Edition and the latest chapter, Gold Road, are currently on sale for a limited time. Don’t miss out!

By Olivia

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