AN UPHILING EVENT – Collision Repair Magazine

The event concluded with a round of golf at the beautiful Kananaskis Golf Course, where guests were able to enjoy the greens and stunning mountain views. The evening then concluded with the annual Collision Centre Awards Dinner, where many AutoCanada team members were recognized.

Speaking with Keven Lupien, Director of Experience and Design, and other team members from AutoCanada, they said that overall the event was “a fantastic conference with incredible people.” When asked about the key highlights of the event, the group further responded that the opportunity to share key values ​​and initiatives with guests was the main highlight, as it helped to integrate everyone into a common mindset regarding goals for the future.

“Our President, Jeff Thorpe, presented the values ​​and key initiatives that form the foundation for AutoCanada’s rise to the top. Our Vice President of Collision and Hail, Arthur Crawford, further explained this from the collision and hail perspective,” said Lupien and his team.

Other highlights of the event for the team included the guests of honour, where the team collectively cheered “GSP! GSP! GSP!” for George St-Pierre.

When asked why events like the Elevation Conference are important to the industry, Lupien and his team concluded that “Events like these bring people from different parts of the industry together to form stronger win-win partnerships. They provide a platform to share knowledge and discuss issues that move the industry forward and encourage everyone to act with integrity. They also provide real interactions with colleagues that may not be possible in day-to-day business operations.”

By Olivia

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