“Come over-prepared”: Advice and tips from one of the first people to receive Italy’s digital nomad visa

There is still not much information to help digital nomads apply for the new Italian visa.


After years of speculation, Italy finally introduced a brand new digital nomad visa in April this year, allowing remote workers to stay in the country for up to a year.

It has only been available for a few months, but some adventurous travelers are already taking advantage of this offer.

Originally from the US, Chelsea Waite started her own business in 2020 and has been working from home ever since. After visiting Italy for the first time in 2017, she knew where she wanted to live.

“When I heard last April that the digital nomad visa was being introduced, I was just so excited and knew I had to go for it, with all my might,” she tells Euronews Travel.

“I’ve tried to research as much as I can… But because it’s such a new visa, there’s literally no information other than the bare fact that the visa exists.”

Fortunately, Chelsea found her way and is now one of the first people to receive a visa and is now living in Milan.

Here she tells about her journey and gives top tips on how to Italy’s visa for digital nomads.

Is it difficult to get an Italian visa for digital nomads?

Navigating such a new visa process presented many hurdles, but Chelsea attributes her success to perseverance and preparation.

One area that can be notoriously difficult in Italy, she says, is obtaining a rental agreement – ​​an essential document for applying for a digital nomad visa.

Most people assume that you need a “codice fiscale” – an Italian tax number – to sign a rental contract for Propertyshe explains. This code is given to Italians at birth and is required for all important everyday activities such as opening a bank account or even getting an Italian phone number. But getting a “codice fiscale” can be difficult if you don’t already live in the country or don’t have a visa yet.

Finding a real estate agent in Italy was a lifesaver for Chelsea.

“My real estate agent informed me that there is a way for people moving to Italy who do not yet have this Codice Fiscale to register the contract,” she explains.

“So if you encounter resistance from a property owner or property management company, I would recommend definitely letting them know that this is a possibility and seeing how they can work with you.”

Italy’s digital nomad visa is also a little different than some others in EuropeIt is aimed at highly qualified people who perform a “highly qualified job” and earn at least 28,000 euros a year.

Part of Chelsea’s application process was getting her degree authenticated. She thought a notarized certification from the U.S. State Department office would be sufficient. However, in Italy, degrees must be verified by the Information Center for Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA), which manages the recognition of foreign degrees in the country.


“You have to upload your degree certificate, you have to upload your transcripts and then everything goes through an internal review process that can take days or months.”

She says that it is such differentiated requirements that could lead to obstacles in your application.

What are Chelsea’s top tips for obtaining the Italian digital nomad visa?

Chelsea has three tips for anyone who wants to follow in her footsteps and apply for an Italian digital nomad visa.

“My first thought would definitely be: come over-prepared rather than under-prepared,” she explains.


“You want to have all the resources you need, rather than being told you’re missing a document and then having to come back and repeat the whole process from the beginning.”

Secondly, she recommends getting help in Italy with important aspects of the process, such as finding accommodation.

“I would also recommend that you come to Italy, if possible, between making your appointment (at the Italian consulate) and the actual appointment.”

Chelsea adds that it is much easier to build relationships with locals in person than virtually.


“And my third recommendation would be to stay flexible and be financially prepared.”

She says digital nomads need to consider fees such as deposits for apartments or houses, health insurancethe costs for document certification and the fees for the visa itself.

“The whole process definitely cost a little more than I expected.”

The non-refundable application fee alone is €116 per person.


Since there is currently so little information on how to apply for a digital nomad visa in Italy, Chelsea is now write a guide to try to help other people cope with the process.

Watch the video above to learn how Chelsea obtained one of the first digital nomad visas in Italy.

Video editing • Hannah Brown

By Olivia

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