Unleash shiny curls: The power of iron for hair growth


Unleash shiny curls: The power of iron for hair growth

Iron balance is crucial because both iron deficiency and iron excess can affect hair health.

Let us understand the profound impact of nutrition and how it can affect the health and vitality of our hair. Among the many essential nutrients, iron is a prominent factor in promoting robust Hair growth and to maintain general hair health. Dr. Vrinda Bangar-Thorat, MBBS, MD, DNB, dermatologist and esthetician at SKIN ERA CLINIC, discusses the importance of iron for beautiful, strong hair:

  1. Oxygen boost: Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. In the context of hair follicles, adequate oxygen supply is crucial for maintaining the metabolic processes that drive hair growth. Inadequate iron levels can impair oxygen supply to the follicles, leading to reduced cellular activity and impaired hair growth.
  2. Cellular vitality: Iron plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, which in turn is essential for cell division and proliferation. Hair follicles are metabolically highly active structures and require a constant supply of nutrients, including iron, to promote their growth. Without adequate iron intake, hair follicle cell replication can be hindered, leading to sluggish hair growth and potentially thinning hair.
  3. Combating anemia and related hair diseases: Iron deficiency anemia is linked to several hair disorders, including telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium, which is characterized by excessive hair loss due to disruptions in the hair growth cycle, can be made worse by iron deficiency. Restoring iron levels can help normalize the hair growth cycle, reduce hair loss, and promote regrowth.
  4. Nutritional strategies: Including iron-rich foods in your diet is essential to supporting healthy hair. Red meat, poultry, fish, lentils, spinach and fortified grain products are excellent sources of dietary iron and can improve iron absorption, maximizing hair growth benefits.

  5. Complementary solutions: In cases of severe iron deficiency or inadequate diet, dermatologists may recommend iron supplementation. However, it is important to seek professional advice before taking any supplements, as excessive iron intake can have adverse effects. A dermatologist can determine your needs and prescribe the appropriate dosage for optimal results.
  6. Balancing act: Iron balance is crucial because both a deficiency and excess can affect hair health. Regular monitoring of hemoglobin and serum ferritin is an optimal balance for strong hair growth. Serum ferritin levels indicate how much iron is stored in the body, and they start to decline before the hemoglobin level in your blood drops. You can take early action by monitoring serum ferritin levels.
  7. Holistic approach: Iron plays an important role in this. A balanced diet is rich in proteins and vitamins (especially biotin, vitamin D and vitamin E) and supports the various processes involved in hair growth and maintenance.


Iron is a cornerstone on the path to lush, resilient hair. Eat iron-rich foods, consider taking supplements if needed, take a holistic approach to nutrition and care, and optimize iron absorption for radiant, healthy hair that exudes confidence and vitality.

By Olivia

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