Minnesotans cast their votes in the 2024 primaries and are in “voting mode” for November

MINNEAPOLIS — It is Primary Election Day in Minnesota and voters have until 8 p.m. to cast their vote.

“Take responsibility for the community you live in by choosing who represents you,” said Jodi Williams of Minneapolis.

There was a steady flow of primary voters at the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center on Tuesday.

“Sometimes I feel like there isn’t much I can do to make my community a better place, and I know that showing up on a day like today makes a difference,” said Christine Bright.

It drives Steve Simon, Secretary of State of Minnesota also to the elections.

“I just hope the people of Minnesota realize that the next event is just around the corner,” Simon said.

Simon made his rounds Tuesday, visiting polling places in Chaska, Hopkins and Minneapolis. He says his mission is to get Minnesotans in what he calls “the voting mood.” Simon says the primaries are a warm-up for Election Day in November.

“For the poll workers and poll workers – some of them haven’t worked in elections for a year or two – this is an opportunity to shake off the rust and get into the swing of things,” he said.

According to Simon, voter turnout in primaries is difficult to predict, but close elections lead to more people turning out to vote. Among several Important races to watch in this area code is a DFL Rematch between the candidates of the fifth congressional district.

“When a contest is perceived as really close, voter turnout is high. When there are contests that are not perceived as really close, voter turnout tends to be lower,” Simon said.

Polling stations are open until 8 p.m. If you are in line by 8 p.m., you can cast your vote.

CBS News Minnesota will stream special coverage of primary day after polls close at 9 p.m. Tuesday

By Olivia

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