New book study looks at spiritual formation sponsored by part-time pastor; full-time church – News

By Tabitha H. Rudy

Part-time pastor; full-time church announces its next book discussion, beginning in early September via Zoom. “Circuit Rider” John Fillmore will lead a discussion on Christian spiritual education by Diane J. Chandler.

Being conformed to the image of Christ is a lifelong pursuit shared by both church leaders and those they lead. Yet many church leaders are busy and preoccupied; while tending to the spiritual needs of their congregation, they have little time or energy for their own spiritual development. Regardless of the role we play in the church, all followers of Jesus can benefit from focusing more on how the Spirit is transforming us into Christlikeness.

Diane Chandler, professor of spiritual formation and leadership at Regent University School of Divinity, offers an integrated approach to Christian spiritual formation that leaders can use for their own spiritual growth and provides a framework for leading their congregations to a deeper relationship with God and each other. Her book, Christian Spiritual Formation: An Integrated Approach to Personal and Relational Wholenessis the focus of this book study.

New book study looks at spiritual formation sponsored by part-time pastor; full-time church – News

The first session will be on September 3rd and the series will continue for 12 sessions. The group meets weekly on Tuesdays for one hour starting at 7pm (Eastern Time). Continuing education credits are available for those who complete the series.

Register for this online study series soon to ensure your book is delivered on time. Go to

If you have any questions, email Tabitha Rudy at [email protected].

— Tabitha H. Rudy is administrative assistant for Part-time Pastor; Full-time Church, a program of the Ministry Office of the Church of the Brethren.


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