Foreigner runs cheap hotel in new HDB apartment

A new HDB flat in Yishun was converted into a “budget hotel” by a Filipina woman who advertised her temporary housing service on various websites, including Facebook.

Since the stay there was affordable, many short-term visitors and job seekers, especially Filipinos, began to inquire there.

One ad read: “Hello, we are temporarily renting rooms and beds for Filipinos in Yishun.”

It is also said that the new apartment is equipped with various amenities for a comfortable stay. A night’s stay in the accommodation is significantly cheaper than in regular budget hotels in Singapore and costs only S$25 per person.

However, some internet users who discovered the ad reported it on various online and social media sites. Before the account was deleted, photos of the apartment were also downloaded, which helped others track down the apartment.

The apartment was located in Block 450 in Jade Spring on Yishun Ring Road, close to numerous shopping and commercial amenities.

The BTO unit was completed about six months ago, meaning only Singaporeans are eligible to purchase a unit. It is unclear whether the foreigner was a new citizen or rented the unit from a Singaporean.

However, it is unlikely that she was granted any licence to operate a hotel in the HDB flat as the Hotels Act (Chapter 127) Section 7(1) states: “No person shall maintain or manage any premises for the purposes of a hotel unless he is the holder of a valid licence issued for the premises under the provisions of this Act.”

In addition, Section 16(7) states: “Any person guilty of this offence shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding S$2,000 and, in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to such fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or to both.” Related articles:One-fifth of private home buyers are foreignersPotong Pasir flat privatisation draws closer HDB flat resale prices drop

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By Olivia

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