Secure in-app NFC transactions in iOS 18.1 are a boon for developers

Secure payment with Apple NFC

With iOS 18.1, developers get access to an API that enables secure NFC payments in the app.
Photo by : Square

The introduction of NFC and Secure Element (SE) APIs in iOS 18.1 opens up new monetization opportunities for iOS app developers, Apple said on Wednesday – but there are fees involved. On the positive side, however, thanks to secure in-app Near Field Communication (NFC) transactions in iOS 18.1, developers can integrate secure, contactless transactions directly into their apps on the iPhone, independent of Apple Pay and Apple Wallet.

iOS developers get in-app NFC transactions with the Secure Element

In its announcement, Apple emphasized that the NFC and SE APIs use the Secure Element, calling it “a certified, industry-standard chip designed to securely store sensitive information on the device.” Until now, Apple kept its NFC chip secret, limiting it to use with Apple Pay.

The new feature enables developers to create versatile and feature-rich apps while potentially increasing user engagement and monetization opportunities. By providing a direct path to implementing secure NFC transactions, Apple is opening doors for developers to create innovative apps in various sectors, such as retail, transportation, access control and event management.

Key benefits for developers:

  • Advanced functionality: Create innovative apps for in-store payments, digital keys, travel passes, ID cards, loyalty programs and event tickets – all using NFC technology.
  • Improved user experience: Offer seamless, contactless transactions without redirecting users to separate apps or wallets.
  • Higher app engagement: The potential is to become users’ default contactless app, leading to more frequent app opens and interactions.
  • Robust security: Leverage industry-leading Secure Element, Secure Enclave, and Apple biometric authentication to ensure best-in-class transaction security.
  • Future-proof development: Position your app for upcoming features like government ID support.

How to access the new APIs

To access the new APIs (for a fee), developers must enter into a commercial agreement with Apple and meet certain industry and regulatory requirements. This ensures that only authorized developers who have committed to complying with Apple’s security and privacy standards can implement the technology, Apple said. The NFC and SE APIs will be available to developers in select countries with the upcoming iOS 18.1 Developer Seed, with a wider global rollout planned for the future.

Read more about how it works, requirements, availability and access.

Source: Apple

By Olivia

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