The media tried in many different ways to get Kevin Stefanski to deviate from Mike Hall Jr.’s talking points

Today we published an article about Browns coach Kevin Stefanski. Comments without comment against defensive tackle Mike Hall Jr., who was arrested on Tuesday after allegedly holding a gun to a woman’s head and is said to have dragged her down a driveway on Monday.

The Browns have since released the full audio recording of the press conference, along with an (to their credit) unredacted transcript. The entire exchange reveals a dogged attempt by the media to get Stefanski to say something. He stubbornly refused to say anything to the media except the words the team had decided he would utter all the time.

“I know you have questions about Mike Hall,” Stefanski said in his opening statement. “With all due respect, I don’t have much to add. I’ll let the legal process play out, but I understand you have to ask a question, but I really don’t know much about this subject. But that answers all the questions.”

He probably hoped that he wouldn’t be asked any questions about Hall. But he was.

Here are all the Hall-related questions from the press conference.

Q: “Kevin, he obviously has the freedom to train with the team, doesn’t he?”

A: “Yes.”

Q: “What was the reason for the decision to let him train today?”

A: “I can’t go into all the details, folks. I’m just telling you, we’re letting the legal process play out.”

Q: “As a staff member, did you feel comfortable letting him train today?”

A: “He trained today.”

Q: “He left training today. Do you know why?”

A: “(He) was injured, but I don’t know any details.”

Q: “Kevin, when situations like Mike Hall come up, I know you said you couldn’t comment on that, but have you talked to Andrew Berry about it, because I know you had a situation earlier in the offseason where a player had an issue and was released the next day. In Mike Hall’s case, he was arrested, charged with domestic violence and back playing the next day. Have you talked to Andrew about how you’re going to proceed or who made the decision?”

A: “Yes, with respect, and I understand the question. I don’t have much to add.”

Q: “I know you talk a lot about culture and things like that. Are you concerned about the message it sends that even though the legal process is ongoing, there seem to have been no consequences at this point? He was simply allowed to practice?”

A: “I understand the question. I would say we really just have to respect the process.”

Q: “I understand what you’re saying, but do you understand that some people might take it as a bad image that he’s standing on your field one day after he was arrested for domestic violence?”

A: “I honestly understand what you’re asking, but for us it’s about trusting the process and that’s what it’s all about.”

Q: “Kevin, I know you’re probably going to repeat the same thing, but as for Mike, if everything goes well physically after he took the hit today, is the plan for him to continue training if he’s available while this process plays out?”

A: “I think I won’t talk beyond today. I’ll just tell you we have to respect the process here.”

Q: “Would you say you handle these off-the-field issues on a case-by-case basis? Or do you take the same approach for every player, whether they’re a high pick, low pick or free agent?”

A: “Yeah, I can’t go into detail… except to tell you that we’re continuing the process.”

Good on the reporters who pressured Stefanski and forced him to repeat the talking points over and over again — making it clear that he was simply reciting the same thing. Even if it wasn’t his decision to stonewall, it’s more than appropriate for the media to make it clear that the Browns decided to have Hall work out two days after his alleged domestic violence crime and one day after his arrest, and all the Browns have to say in their own defense is that they “respect the process.”

That’s a bad picture. And hiding behind “the process” doesn’t make it any better.

In fact, it could have been worse. Stefanski could have been asked if the Browns knew or had reason to believe they were drafting a player with the 54th pick who could behave like this. He probably would have repeated the pre-planned talking points, but it’s still a question that needs to be asked. Along with all the other questions reporters asked on Wednesday.

The next question is whether the league will grant Hall paid leave pending the proceedings. Given the allegations against him, that would not be a surprise.

By Olivia

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