The professional camera app Halide can now take photos without image processing

The option in Halide 2.15 is called Zero Processing and uses no image processing or AI. The results produce photos with more traces and allow for better control over lighting and exposure.

Similar to the analog film process, Process Zero images create digital negatives to alter the exposure after shooting. The process works best in daylight or mixed lighting, not at night.

The result is a single 12-megapixel shot that is less saturated, softer, and grainier. You can see numerous examples of Process Zero on the Lux blog.

There are some compromises, as mentioned in the blog:

I mentioned grain earlier and just like film, Process Zero has an ideal ISO range. In the dark, it gets noisy. Fortunately, newer iPhones with Quad Bayer sensors have incredible low-light performance compared to the past. Don’t expect Night Mode, but I was surprised at how useful the results can be.

Because Process Zero doesn’t merge multiple shots, you’re limited by the dynamic range of the sensor. This means that if you’re shooting something like the window from earlier, you’ll have to choose which parts you want to expose.

You can easily switch between Process Zero and normal system processing with a single tap.

Halide Mark II is designed for the iPhone and all iPad models. It can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

You need a subscription to use the app. There are two options available: $2.99 ​​per month or $11.99 per year. A seven-day free trial is available to try out the app.

A lifetime license for the app for $59.99.

The Halide team had a busy 2024. At the end of May, the developers also released Kino, a professional video app with numerous great features and a user-friendly interface.

By Olivia

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