Youngkin government releases blueprint for cellphone-free schools • Virginia Mercury

Virginia is moving closer to restricting cell phone use in schools after the Virginia Department of Education unveiled its draft “cell phone free” Guidelines on Thursday following a series of public participation events.

The draft defines “cellphone-free” instruction as “from bell to bell,” meaning that cellphones should be turned off and put away from the first bell until the end of school. This includes lunchtime and breaks between classes.

Virginia plans to create policies for cellphone-free education. Developing these policies will be complex.

On July 9, Governor Glenn Youngkin issued Executive Order 33, directing his administration to issue policies to limit the time students spend on “addictive” cell phones and avoid “clear distractions” in the classroom.

The Department of Education said more than 600 community members, parents, teachers and school officials attended public events to provide their input on the guidelines, as well as other community events to understand concerns about cell phones and personal electronic devices.

“The extensive feedback we received from Virginians was clear and direct,” said Lisa Coons, Superintendent of Public Education, “requiring that cell phones and personal electronic communication devices be removed from our children’s public schools at all levels – elementary, middle and high school – during the school day. By refocusing our students’ attention on learning and away from their phones and social media, all of our children will have better opportunities to learn and succeed academically.”

Studies have shown that students use their mobile phones during class to browse the internet and social media apps, as well as send messages. Students have also used the devices to record events at school and post them on various platforms.

The draft policy includes age-appropriate cell phone restrictions in Virginia public elementary and secondary schools.

According to the bill, if a parent decides that an elementary school student must bring a cell phone or personal electronic communications device to school, the student must stow it, turn it off, and keep it away from the student during the school day. Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the school building or on school grounds before or after school.

In middle and high school, students should not have a cell phone or personal electronic communication device on hand during the entire school day.

Middle schools should establish local policies governing the use of cell phones and personal electronic communications devices inside the school building or on school grounds outside of school hours, including before and after school.

Cell phones and personal electronic communications devices may be used on a high school campus before or after school.

Exceptions are granted for students with disabilities and EL students with a proven language barrier.

Return message The deadline for submitting proposals for the guidelines is September 15. School boards must adopt the final guidelines by January 1.

Some school boards in Virginia have already banned or restricted cell phone use in schools.

By Olivia

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