Google updates the Pixel Thermometer app and improves the app’s user interface and design

Google updates the Pixel Thermometer app and improves the app's user interface and design

Google has updated the Pixel Thermometer app for the Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro smartphones. Originally, the temperature sensor on the back of the Pixel 8 Pro could only measure the temperature of objects, but after FDA approval, it became capable of measuring human body temperature. Although there are no hardware improvements on the Pixel 9 Pro, Google has redesigned the app’s interface to improve its usability.

We know that

The app now has a “Routine Measurements” section where you can select the type of material to measure the temperature of. If the material you want isn’t listed, you can add it manually. The temperature measurement interface has also been updated. It now uses the rear camera to display the object whose temperature you want to measure and offers recommendations on the best distance for an accurate measurement.

Although the updated UI is supposedly part of the latest version of the app, some users report that they still have the old UI after installing the update. It’s possible that Google temporarily left the new UI exclusive to the Pixel 9 Pro before making it available to the Pixel 8 Pro.

Source: Android Police

By Olivia

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