Death of Matthew Perry: Southern California doctors Salvador Plasencia and Mark Chavez are at the center of the death of the “Friends” star

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — The investigation into Matthew Perry’s death is now putting the spotlight on the five people charged by federal prosecutors, including the actor’s assistant, two Southern California doctors and a woman prosecutors describe as a “major street dealer.”

The autopsy revealed that the “Friends” actor died from the acute effects of ketamine. At the time, he had been undergoing ketamine infusion therapy to treat his depression.

Five people have been charged in connection with the ketamine-related death of “Friends” star Matthew Perry, federal authorities in Los Angeles said.

Five people were arrested in connection with Perry’s death: Dr. Salvador Plasencia, Dr. Mark Chavez, Jasveen Sangha, Kenneth Iwamasa and Erik Fleming. The DEA described them as “greedy and ruthless” who took advantage of Perry to enrich themselves. They are now facing federal charges related to his death.

Three of them have pleaded guilty. The remaining two have pleaded not guilty, although some experts believe the case will be difficult to beat.

Who is Dr. Salvador Plasencia

Dr. Salvador Plasencia is seen in an undated photo.

Dr. Salvador Plasencia is seen in an undated photo.

U.S. prosecutors allege that Plasencia and the other defendants took advantage of Perry’s addiction and knew what they were doing was wrong, citing a text message he sent.

“(Plasencia) wrote in a text message in September 2023, ‘I wonder how much this idiot is going to pay,'” said U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada.

“This just shows evil. This is clearly not a medical text. This is the text of an opportunist who just wants to make money,” said civil litigation attorney Tre Lovell.

Plasencia was arrested Thursday and charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, seven counts of distribution of ketamine and two counts of tampering with and falsifying documents or records in connection with the federal investigation into Perry’s death. He pleaded not guilty to the charges in court Thursday in plainclothes and handcuffed and shackled. He was released on $100,000 bail.

Related story: What doctors want to know about ketamine, the treatment that cost Matthew Perry his life

His lawyer, Stefan Sacks, said the doctor sold Perry ketamine but insisted he did not break the law.

“Ultimately, Dr. Plasencia provided medical treatment to Mr. Perry. He acted in good faith and within the scope of what he believed was his duty. And whether or not he made an error of judgment in hindsight does not change the fact that he did so with the best medical intentions,” Sacks said.

His patients in Calabasas were stunned to hear that he was accused of Perry’s death.

“He was professional. Nothing was prescribed,” said former patient Adam Gangi. “He answered my questions. His staff was friendly, so my overall experience was positive.”

“I’m disappointed, but not surprised,” said patient Callie Beeman, adding that she no longer feels she can trust Plasencia because of his involvement in Perry’s case.

“He viewed Perry as an object he wanted to make money from, not as a person,” Beeman said.

Plasencia, 42, graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a medical degree in 2010 and has not been disciplined, records show. His license expires in October.

According to prosecutors, Plasencia faces a maximum of 120 years in prison.

Who is Dr. Mark Chavez

Dr. Mark Chavez is seen in a picture from LinkedIn.

Dr. Mark Chavez is seen in a picture from LinkedIn.

thehealthmd / LinkedIn

Chavez sold ketamine, which he had previously obtained by writing a fake prescription, to Plasencia, who then resold it to Perry’s personal assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, who admitted to injecting the actor three times on the day of his death.

Chavez, who previously ran a ketamine clinic, also obtained additional ketamine from a controlled substance wholesaler and falsified statements on forms stating that the drug would not be sold or distributed to third parties or used for any other purpose.

Chavez, 54, graduated from UCLA with a medical degree in 2004 and founded a company called The Health MD, which appears to be a concierge practice focused on longevity and fitness. Like Plasencia, Chavez has never been disciplined, according to his record. His license expires in 2026.

Perry turns to “Ketamine Queen” Jasveena Sangha

Federal authorities have filed charges against five people in connection with the death of Matthew Perry, including Jasveen Sangha, dubbed the “ketamine queen.”

Prosecutors said Perry later turned to Jasveen Sangha, known to her clients as the “ketamine queen,” who provided the actor with cheaper ketamine – 50 vials for $11,000.

She also pleaded not guilty. However, the judge revoked her bail and she remains in jail. Her next hearing is in two months.

Iwamasa is expected to be sentenced in the coming weeks for his role in Perry’s death.

Looking at the timing, federal prosecutors said it all happened within a two-month period, adding that Perry relapsed into addiction last fall before he died in October.

This is how the investigation into Matthew Perry’s death proceeded, according to Justice Department officials.

ABC News and The Associated Press contributed to this report

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By Olivia

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