UFO sightings in Palmdale and Lancaster, California: Residents share experiences on the Ring Neighbors app

Resident from Palmdale And Lancaster, Californiahave a number of UFO sightingswho share their experiences on the Ring Neighbors app. Local authorities are currently investigating these allegations, which have generated interest in the community.
One local resident described his experience as follows: “My daughter and I were hanging out in the backyard when we both thought we saw a shooting star falling to the east. It stopped abruptly and zigzagged north.” This sighting, according to the person, occurred just 30 minutes before their post.

Another resident described a similar incident: “I was walking my dog ​​in the backyard when I noticed a bright light in the sky; to my surprise, it was a hovering flying object!”
The app was flooded with such reports, with one person exclaiming: “Guys… You won’t believe what I just saw. Guys, I saw a UFO. I was walking my dog ​​in my yard and saw a bright light in the sky. At first I thought, ‘Oh my god, what a cool plane Northrop has built,’ but to my horror it was a hovercraft! Please tell me I’m not the only one who saw this!!!”

A third person reported: “Flying objects in the sky? The first neighbor had piqued my curiosity and posted that he had seen a UFO from his yard. So my mom and I went to our yard to see if we could see anything.”
Meanwhile, many Twitter users have shared images of UFOs or similar alien objects flying in the sky. However, the authenticity of these images could not be verified. Local authorities are now investigating these reports to determine if the claims are true.

By Olivia

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