Sonos delays launch of two new devices to restore app functionality

JAKARTA Sonos, a US wireless audio technology manufacturer, has postponed the launch of its two latest devices. This delay had to be made because Sonos had not yet fixed the issue in its app. Sonos CEO Patrick Spence revealed that it plans to release two of its latest hardware devices by the end of this year. However, since the Sonos app still needs to be fixed, the company postponed the launch of its two latest devices. “I will not rest until we are in a position where we have fixed the issue and got customers to praise Sonos again,” said Spence, quoted by The Verge. “We believe our focus should be on the apps before anything else.” It seems that Sonos has not set a new launch date for these two new devices. As a reason, Spence explained that these two new products will be released once the app is completed or at least at the expected level of quality. “This means we must postpone the two major new product releases we had planned for the fourth quarter until our app experience reaches the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos,” said Spence.

Until announcing the delay in the launch plan, Spence did not reveal which device they will launch. However, based on the device code discovered by The Verge last July, one of the devices to be launched is a soundbar. The Sonos app issue occurred after the company rearranged and redesigned its app display. As a result of this update, many features were lost, the system’s performance became unstable, and other issues were due to bugs contained in it. Spence promised to restore the Sonos app’s functionality to its original state, but this improvement took a long time. According to Sonos’ calculations, the app improvements could be completed once the functionality is restored in October.

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By Olivia

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