10 taboos to avoid during the seventh month of the Ghost Festival in Singapore

The seventh month is the Ghost Month in the Chinese calendar, and as Singaporeans and a multi-ethnic country, we are used to the ritual of sacrificial cremation. The Chinese believe that this is the time when the souls of the dead wander the earth, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival.

According to tradition, the spirits can cause harm if ignored. Therefore, all kinds of offerings are made during this time. Taoists and Buddhists burn hell money and paper offerings such as cars, watches and jewelry to appease their deceased family members – and thus ensure that their material needs are met in the afterlife.

But that’s not all. There are also some things you should and shouldn’t do, as both good and evil spirits roam around.

Even if you don’t believe in the supernatural, it might be wise to consider these older generation’s notions of beauty. Better safe than sorry, right?

1. Don’t wear red clothes


Since red is one of the colors known to attract ghosts, we advise you not to wear red this month so as not to attract their attention.

2. Avoid black or dark nail polish


Traditionally, only the dead have black nails. Black nails can cause the spirits to think you are one of them and could also lead you back to hell.

If you really love your dark nail polish colors, you can add some lighter colors to keep them from looking too dark!

3. Don’t cut your hair at night


Haircut at Flamingo Hair Studio

This custom was more common in the past, before electricity. You can imagine that getting a haircut in the dark can be quite dangerous.

To prevent ghosts from causing accidents, cutting hair after dark is generally discouraged.

4. Do not leave your clothes outside to dry overnight


They say that if you bring the clothes in, spirits will “try on” the clothes and enter your homes.

5. Do not wear long hair, especially if it covers your forehead.


Haircut by CLEO Hair & Make

It is assumed that humans yang Energy is concentrated on the forehead. If you cover your forehead with your hair, yang decreases and the probability of encountering ghosts increases.

Keep your forehead as clear as possible so that the light from your forehead can shine brightly and ward off the spirits.

7. Don’t take photos in the evening


Unless you want something creepy blowing up your selfies.

8. Avoid getting engaged or married in the 7th month


Aside from the fact that the seventh month is considered ominous, it would probably be pretty spooky if “extra guests” showed up at your wedding.

9. Avoid swimming


You may have heard horror stories of experienced swimmers being “pulled” by their legs by an unknown underwater presence… and only managing to free themselves at the last moment!

Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, we think it’s better to be safe than sorry.

10. And of course: Don’t stay outside too long


Ghosts are strongest at night because the yin energy of the moon increases their power.

Don’t go out late at night because they might follow you home and “disturb” you while you are out!


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By Olivia

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