Students organize for the 2024 election –

He said his organization will Host to five of the Republican candidates for the Council of State — Secretary of State candidate Chad BrownCandidate for Superintendent of Public Education Michele MorningTreasurer Candidate Brad BrinerLabor Commissioner Candidate Luke Farley and Justice Minister candidate Dan bishop.

Trot said The College Republicans hope to welcome all of the Republican Council of State candidates before November. Details will be posted soon on the group’s Instagram account.

If the Republicans retain control of the State Council, said This would mean that the UNC Board of Trustees would remain conservative for the foreseeable future.

The BOT has 15 members, eight of whom are elected by the UNC Board of Directors and six by the NC General Assemblywith the remaining ex officio member being the UNC Student Body President. MOOR has 24 members, all elected by the General Assembly, together with the President of the UNC Association of Student Representatives as an ex officio registered member without voting rights.

“The goal is to help UNC students connect with statewide and local candidates so they know who they are, understand their policies and can make more informed decisions,” Trott said. said.

Duval said her organization’s goal is to register student voters and educate them ahead of the November election.

Last spring, the chapter made the goal to welcome all of the state’s Democratic candidates to the UNC campus, including North Carolina’s gubernatorial candidates and Attorney General Josh Stein and Candidate for State Treasurer, Representative Wesley Harris. Duvall said the Young Democrats will continue to pursue this goal in the fall semester.

Professor of Political Science Marc Hetherington said Young voters participate less in elections than older voters.

Hetherington said that the issues and ideas that politicians talk about often do not reflect the interests of groups that do not have much voter turnout, especially young peopleUnger Demographic.

He said This is a unique moment in American history, as the outcome of the election will depend on just a few thousand votes, Saying when he was a young adult, the results were not so close and there was a clear idea of ​​who would win.

“I think people sometimes forget that when a generation or a group has really different views and the election is really close, there’s nothing better than to get involved,” he said. said.

@dailytarheel | [email protected]

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By Olivia

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