Protests and chaos at the Democratic Party Convention: Appendix -Capital Research Center

Over 150 extremist groups support protests and chaos at the Democratic National Convention (full series)
Results | Leading the Anti-DNC Protests
Plans to disrupt the DNC convention


Extremist groups protest against the Democratic and Republican party conventions

Extremist groups protest against the DNC

18 million increase
Aaron Bushnell Liberation Foundation
Abandon Biden
U-turn: Veterans against the war
African Consciousness Association Inc.
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
American Civil and Humanitarian Coalition
American Muslims for Palestine – Chicago
American Labor Party
American Labor Party – Los Angeles
Chicago Children’s Hospital
ANSWER Coalition – Chicago
Arab-American Action Network
Arab Resource and Organization Center
Asians for Palestine DMV
Atlanta Alliance against racist and political oppression
Behind Enemy Lines / Anti-Imperialist Resistance
Black Alliance for Peace
Black Alliance for Peace – Midwest Region
Black Lives Matter Chicago
Black Lives Matter – Women of Faith
California United
Ceasefire 2024
Queers for Palestine in Central Florida
CHAAD Project
Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression
Chicago Anti-War Coalition
Chicago Anti-War Committee
Chicago Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
Cincinnati Socialists
South Sound Climate Alliance
Code Pink
Colorado-Palestine Coalition
Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Dear Asian Youth
Democratic Socialists of America
Denver Communists
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Doctors against genocide
Education Worker for Palestine
Education Worker for Palestine – Chicago
Paths of Extinction Rebellion
Florida Palestine Network
Food instead of bombs
FOSNA: Friends of Sabeel North America
Foundation for Direct Action Against Apartheid
Coalition for a Free Palestine
Socialist Organization Freedom Road
Liberal Socialist Party
Students of Grand Valley State University for a democratic society
Grassroots Alliance for Global Justice
Green Bay Anti-War Committee
HANA Center
Hands off the Uhuru Fightback Coalition
Healing our homeland
Health workers for Palestine
Peace and justice in the highlands
Horizon Federation
Howard County for a Free Palestine
Humboldt Socialist Union
Network for Immigrant Solidarity
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
International League of People’s Struggles
International Migrant Alliance-USA
International Women’s Alliance
IRTF Cleveland – Interfaith Task Force for Central America and Colombia
Jewish Voice for Peace Chicago
Justice, unity and social change
Korean Friendship Association USA
National Network “Work for Palestine”
Legalization for all
Loyola New Orleans Students for a Democratic Society
Malcolm X Center for Self-Determination
Mamas activate movements for abolition and solidarity
Milwaukee Alliance against racist and political oppression
Milwaukee Anti-War Committee
Milwaukee for Yemen
Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
Minnesota Workers United
Mississippi Rising Coalition
MN Abortion Action Committee
MN Anti-War Committee
Laboratory for Muslim Counterpublics
Muslims for a just future
National Alliance against Racist and Political Oppression
National Lawyers Guild – Task Force for the Americas/San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
National Students for Justice in Palestine
New African Black Panther Party 05/United Panther Movement
New Orleans for municipal oversight of the police
New Orleans stops aiding Israel’s ports
New York Community Action Project
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
Nikkei uprising
No technology for apartheid
Nodutdol for the development of the Korean community
Organizing white men for collective liberation
Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
Palestine Liberation Assembly
Palestinian feminist collective
Palestinian youth movement
Pan-African roots
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Peoples LGBT+ United Society
People’s Power Assembly
Proletariat Representation USA
Queer and Trans Community Action Project
Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
Radical public health
Action for Reproductive Justice Milwaukee
Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network)
San Jose against war
San Jose Peace and Justice Center
Seattle Alliance against racist and political oppression
Socialist Action
Socialist Alternative
Solidarity (
Southsiders organized for unity and liberation
Southwest Virginia Coalition for Palestine
Stand up for Kashmir
Fight La Lucha
Students for a Democratic Society at Louisiana State University
Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Minnesota
Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Students for a Democratic Society – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Students for a Democratic Society DePaul University
Students for a Democratic Society National
Students for a Democratic Society University of Illinois-Chicago
Students for Justice in Palestine Chicago
Tampa Alliance against racist and political oppression
Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society
Tempest Collective
Tucson Anti-War Committee
Twin Cities Coalition for Justice
US campaign for Palestinian rights
Network of the Palestinian Community in the USA
Uhuru Solidarity Movement
United States of America
United National Antiwar Coalition
Students at the University of Central Florida for a democratic society
Progressive Student Union of the University of Washington
US Council of Muslim Organizations
US students against imperialism
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice and Equality
Voices of the Frontera Action
Network of war industry resisters
Wisconsin – Bail Out the People Movement
Women against military madness
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, USA
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, USA/Michigan
Workers strike back
World Workers Party
World Socialist Youth

Extremist groups in the Coalition marches to RNC

American Labor Party
American Labor Party, Los Angeles
American Labor Party – Fidel Castro/Florida Division
Pacific Northwest Division of the American Labor Party
Arab-American Action Network
Baltimore Peace Action
Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) – Milwaukee
Center CSO
South Sound Climate Alliance
Code Pink
Colorado-Palestine Coalition
Milwaukee Community Working Group (ComForceMKE)
Democratic Socialists of America Milwaukee
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Socialist Organization Freedom Road
Liberal Socialist Party
Green Bay Anti-War Committee
Hate-free Outagamie
International League of Nations Struggle
Humboldt Socialist Union
The Frontera Our Cross
Hands off, Uhuru!
Legalization for all networks
Midcoast MKE (formerly known as Midcoast Collective)
Milwaukee Anti-War Committee
Milwaukee for Yemen
Milwaukee League of Anarchists
Coalition of Muslim Women in Milwaukee
Minnesota Abortion Action Committee
Minnesota Antiwar Committee/Antiwar Committee
Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee
Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
Movement for People’s Democracy
National Alliance against Racist and Political Oppression
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression Atlanta
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression Chicago
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression Dallas
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression, Grand Rapids
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression Milwaukee
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression Tampa
New Orleans for municipal oversight of the police
Health workers for Palestine in New Orleans
New Orleans stops aiding Israel’s ports (NOSHIP)
Our Wisconsin Revolution
Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
Communist Party USA
Army of the Poor
Progressive Student Union – Seattle University
Action for Reproductive Justice Milwaukee
RevCom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity
Revolutionary Justice Party
San Jose against war
Students for a Democratic Society Appleton
Students for a Democratic Society Milwaukee
Students for a Democratic Society University of Wisconsin Green Bay
Students for a Democratic Society University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Students for a Democratic Society Wayne State
Trans Resistance Action Committee
Tucson Anti-War Committee
United National Antiwar Coalition
Network of the Palestinian Community in the USA
Voices of the Frontera Action
Wisconsin – Bail Out the People Movement
Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine
Wisconsin coalition to normalize relations with Cuba
Women against military madness
Young Democratic Socialists of America, Grand Valley State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America Lawrence University
Milwaukee Area Labor Council Young Workers Committee
Zao MKE Church

Keywords: Anti-Semitism, Chicago, Democratic Party, Gaza, Hamas, National Alliance Against Racial and Political Oppression, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network

By Olivia

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