Pharmacist lists 11 inexpensive things that should not be missing in a medicine cabinet

Thousands of British parents may be unprepared for their children’s cuts, scrapes and colds, new research from Well Pharmacy reveals. Many medicine cabinets and first aid kits are missing 11 essential items. Research for the pharmacy chain found that almost a third of us don’t have a thermometer in the house.

The same number admitted not having sterile dressings at home, a quarter did not have disposable gloves and almost a fifth did not have bandages. About one in ten adults does not have antiseptic, sunscreen, plasters or even painkillers, and a quarter does not have remedies for indigestion at home.

Eyewash and anti-diarrhoea tablets are among the things that Brits are least likely to have at home. Two-fifths of Brits do not have ready access to them. And with hay fever a constant nuisance for around 10 million Brits, more than a quarter of adults said they do not have antihistamines at home.

George Sandhu, Assistant Pharmacy Manager at Well Pharmacy, revealed which items are essential in every home medicine cabinet. He said: “Maybe it’s a bathroom or kitchen cupboard, but most of us have a place we turn to in our hour of need.”

“Whether it’s a small scratch or someone is feeling unwell, I can’t tell you how thankful you’ll be to have a stockpile of supplies for any situation. A thermometer should be in every home, especially if you have young children who may not yet be able to tell you what’s wrong.

“And with summer just around the corner, the risk of scraped knees and cut fingers increases. All parents should rest assured knowing they have everything they need to solve the problem.”

George Sandhu’s must-have items for every medicine cabinet

By Olivia

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