“I have disappointed you,” says Santos after pleading guilty, he faces a prison sentence

HISTORY: :: Expelled former lawmaker George Santos

pleads guilty to falsifying donation figures

:: 19 August 2024

“Pleading guilty is a step I never imagined I would take. But it is necessary because it is the right thing to do.”

:: Central Islip, New York

:: He faces up to 22 years in prison

and is due to be sentenced in February

“I accept responsibility because I must. There is no other way around it. To my family, friends and supporters, and to the people of New York’s Third Congressional District, I offer my deepest apologies. Representing you was the proudest accomplishment of my life. And I believe I did so to the best of my ability and conscience. But you also trusted me to represent you with honor and to defend the values ​​that are essential to our democracy. And in that regard, I have failed you.”

“I know it takes time to rebuild trust and that my actions will always be a part of my story. However, I am determined to use this experience as a turning point in my life that will lead me to make better choices and be an exemplary member of my community. Thank you.”

As part of an agreement with the federal prosecutor’s office, Santos waived his right to appeal against a sentence of less than 95 months – just under eight years.

In May 2023, Santos faced federal charges of laundering campaign funds to pay for his personal expenses, charging donors’ credit cards without their consent, and collecting unemployment benefits while employed.

As part of his guilty plea, Santos admitted to all of the offenses described in the indictment, although he only pleaded guilty to two of the 23 counts. He has been free on $500,000 bail since his arrest.

By Olivia

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