Hair free, Horace! My alopecia adventure

Courtesy of Andrew Sloss

Prince William County author Sharlay Fields is excited to announce the release of her first children’s book, Hair Free Horace. It is a heartwarming story that encourages children to embrace their uniqueness and develop a positive self-image. This enchanting story takes young readers on an imaginative adventure that promotes self-love and acceptance.

Book summary

In Hair Free Horace, young Horace embarks on a whimsical journey to explain his lack of hair. Along the way, readers meet a cast of exciting characters, spend time in the coolest tree house, and accompany Horace on his quest for self-love. The story is filled with vivid illustrations and engaging narration that will capture children’s attention, making it a perfect addition to any children’s bookshelf.

About the author

Sharlay Fields, a certified doula, teacher, and author, is a graduate of Gibbs College. With a passion for fostering positive and healthy environments, Sharlay is dedicated to helping children fully express themselves and develop self-love. An award-winning teacher, she has received multiple awards, including the Heart Award, for her tireless commitment to children and their families. Sharlay lives in Prince William County with her husband Andrew, their two children, and their dog Remy.

In her own words, Sharlay shares her philosophy and the inspiration behind her book: “I want to help children embrace their uniqueness and feel comfortable in their own skin. My book promotes positive self-image and celebrates diversity. It encourages children to love themselves just the way they are. Don’t miss this special opportunity to teach self-love and acceptance to your little ones.”

Hair Free Horace is more than just a children’s book; it is a powerful tool for parents and educators to encourage conversations about self-esteem, diversity, and the importance of self-love. Sharlay Fields invites readers to join Horace on his wonderful adventure and experience the magic of imagination and self-discovery.

The book can be purchased on and

By Olivia

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