Watershed Protection explains preparations for repair of the old Lampasas Dam

Photo of the city of Austin (rendering)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 by Chad Swiatecki

The Watershed Protection Department appears ready to move forward with the old Lampasas Dam No. 3 modernization project after completing due diligence required by the City Council this spring.

In a memo released Monday, WPD Director Jorge Morales outlined his department’s progress on environmental and quality of life concerns raised in a May public hearing and accompanying resolution. The $14.9 million project is scheduled to begin this fall.

The council’s resolution primarily addressed the impacts of using just over 15,000 square metres of city parkland in the Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt as a staging area for the long-planned repair of the dam’s main pipe outlet, which was damaged by a tropical storm in 2010.

The memo states that WPD did not identify any significant environmental issues in the proposed staging area. Staff relied largely on a 2011 environmental impact assessment of a nearby construction project at the Handcox Water Treatment Plant to avoid duplicating previous relevant review work.

WPD has also confirmed that the dam works contractor will be responsible for restoring the staging area to its current condition. This restoration will include controlling soil compaction, reseeding native grasses and restoring any disturbed vegetation.

To avoid conflicts with school buses traveling along the construction site, the project team has hired a community engagement specialist to coordinate schedules with neighborhood schools and parents. As a result, lanes will only be temporarily closed between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekends. A billboard and speed tag along Spicewood Springs Road will alert travelers to the construction.

The team will also conduct pre-approved dust controls during construction to combat stormwater pollution.

In consideration of the City’s noise ordinance, the Contractor is prohibited from operating noisy grading or cutting equipment within 600 feet of nearby residences between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Another restriction limits work in the “triangle area” of the district to working hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays. The surrounding municipality must be notified of any work taking place on a Saturday or Sunday or on major holidays.

Last fall, the Environmental Commission reviewed and approved the necessary deviations in the building code to allow the use of the parkland near the dam as a gathering place.

Over time, erosion exposed and damaged a 60-inch main spillway made of corrugated metal pipe, allowing water to flow underneath. Improvements called for in the project include removing trees and boulders along the dam’s footprint and replacing the existing main spillway with a main spillway and cradle made of reinforced concrete pipe.

Before the resolution was passed in May, Council Member Mackenzie Kelly added an amendment calling for appropriate steps to be taken to ensure that the surrounding neighborhood and parkland would not be negatively impacted by construction.

“Because it’s a small road, we want to make sure traffic isn’t affected when something like this happens,” she said, pointing to the flood risk to dozens of homes in the area that the repairs could mitigate.

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