UND announces the creation of five new centers for engineering research

New centers will serve as growth engines for UND, the College of Engineering & Mines and North Dakota

UND announces the creation of five new centers for engineering research
Entrance to the College of Engineering & Mines. UND image.

UND is pleased to announce the creation of five new engineering centers, each dedicated to research and problem-solving in areas that impact the state and beyond.

The new research-oriented centres will be managed by College of Engineering and Mining (CEM) The Research Institute was established in 2022 and serves as the research division of CEM. With initial support from CEM, each center aims to become self-sufficient through full external funding. Approval to establish the centers came on June 25 following a meeting of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education.

“We are grateful for the Board’s approval of the establishment of these new research centers and for the in-depth discussion that has resulted,” said Brian Tande, Dean of the College of Engineering & Mines. “These centers will act as catalysts for growth and development for UND, the college and the state. They will also serve as important hubs for collaboration with North Dakota industry partners and researchers at other institutions across the state.”

The five new CEM centers are:

To AIR: This center will develop cutting-edge AI solutions to solve complex real-world problems, train the next generation of AI engineers and researchers, promote ethical standards in AI, and build partnerships with multiple sectors including academia, industry, and government. Although the focus is on engineering AI applications, this center will be an important part of UND and the North Dakota University System’s broader efforts to increase the state’s AI capabilities and encourage AI adoption. Naima Kaabouch, Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is director of the center.

To C2SR: This center will develop cutting-edge security solutions to solve next-generation cybersecurity problems. Prakash Ranganathan, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, is the director of the center.

About MMRC: This center will conduct cutting-edge research in materials and manufacturing from both applied and fundamental perspectives to solve various engineering problems facing industry and humanity. Surojit Gupta, Professor of mechanical engineering, is director of the center.

To CWR: This center will conduct cutting-edge water resources research, develop projects that provide solutions to the state’s water resources problems, and provide university-level water resources education. It will also seek to complement and collaborate with the nationally recognized North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute, located at North Dakota State University. Taufique MahmoodAssociate Professor of Geology and Geotechnics, is director of the center.

To CPER: This center will develop new process technologies to leverage North Dakota’s rich resources and bridge the gap between basic and applied research, development, and commercialization. CPER aims to advance innovation and facilitate the seamless transition of breakthrough discoveries into practical, real-world applications. This center will also seek to create an environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, technology transfer, and industry engagement. CPER aims to advance economic development in North Dakota, the United States, and the world. Daniel LaudalExecutive Director of the CEM Research Institute, is director of this center.

The websites of four of the five new centres are online, and the fifth will be launched shortly.

Each new center will be located within the College of Engineering & Mines complex, but researchers there will collaborate with faculty and staff across campus, as well as numerous external partners.

By Olivia

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