Revise your LinkedIn account and find a job as soon as possible

Looking for a job? A LinkedIn account can be crucial in your search. Here’s how to update your account to help you stand out from the crowd.

Looking for proof that LinkedIn has become an essential part of our hiring and recruiting practices? There are more than 14 million jobs posted on LinkedIn. An estimated 97% of HR and hiring professionals say they use LinkedIn to recruit new talent, according to the platform. And last but not least, users with LinkedIn accounts that have a comprehensive, comprehensive profile have a 71% higher chance of being invited to an interview.

In short, if you’re looking for a job, having a LinkedIn account is a no-brainer. But how can you make sure you’re getting the most out of the platform? That’s where Hala Taha comes in, one of the most influential LinkedIn influencers and host of Podcast “Young and profitable”She says that maintaining a LinkedIn account that gets noticed is all about so much more than uploading your resume and taking a nice portrait photo.

Where to start? Change your LinkedIn icon to “Open for Work,” a sign to anyone who glances at your profile that you’re ready to talk about the right opportunities. Then, make sure your About section is up-to-date (not outdated) to give visitors to your profile a true and current impression of you and your accomplishments. Don’t forget to also include a high-resolution, well-lit headshot of you smiling at the camera. These things may seem like small details, but in reality they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are Taha’s top three tips for using your LinkedIn account effectively and seizing your next big opportunity faster.


You know what they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. When Hala Taha started posting on LinkedIn every day, she was immediately tagged “the female Gary Vee” she meant Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur and influential business influencer with 10.3 million followers on Instagram. Not letting up, she went to his LinkedIn page and mimicked the format and style of Vee’s “About” section, as well as the frequency and type of posts he published (especially the ones she noticed went viral).

Then she took it a step further and tracked down all the people who followed him on LinkedIn and sent them direct messages. “I grew my following by basically stealing Gary Vee’s following,” says Taha. “I knew that anyone who liked and commented on his posts would be interested in my content, so I started inviting them one by one to follow my page.”

As a job seeker, you can do the same thing. If you notice someone who has your “dream job,” try to mirror the way they write about themselves and their accomplishments, and follow the people who follow them on LinkedIn. Then, if you see something they post that you like, comment on it and try to build a genuine connection.

Post what you know

Taha says that “there are no rules in social media” and that you don’t have to be an “expert” to post on LinkedIn and get noticed by recruiters and job seekers. Post about your knowledge on LinkedIn could be as simple as listening to podcasts and sharing your key takeaways from the episodes or playing “hype man” or “hype woman” for someone you follow on the platform.

“You don’t have to come out with original content,” says Taha. “You can just distribute content and share what you’ve learned. You don’t need to have any experience to get started. Be open about where you are and realize that you get to decide what kind of relationship you have with your audience.”


The most important tool to get noticed on LinkedIn is Use keywords strategicallyin everything from your job title to the content you post. Taha recommends tagging every single experience mentioned in your LinkedIn profile with keywords you think recruiters will search for in your desired profession. (Look at the job postings you’re interested in to find out which keywords are used most often.)

She also recommends using LinkedIn’s keyword search to find the jobs and people you’re most interested in working for, as well as any connections you have with them. For example, most people list the college, university or trade school they attended on LinkedIn. By using a keyword search for your target job and then adding people who share the same alma mater, you can find people to invite you to coffee — in person and via Zoom — and use that face-to-face time to learn more about the position.


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By Olivia

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