NBK introduces payment verification service in its mobile banking app — TradingView News

First published: August 22, 2024, 07:19

Al-Janah: We always strive to provide our customers with first-class, highly secure products and services

In line with its ongoing commitment to provide state-of-the-art services to its customers, the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) announced the launch of a new service that allows customers to confirm payment transactions online through the NBK Mobile Banking App, making the National Bank of Kuwait the first provider of this service in Kuwait.

The bank mentioned that the new service offers a hassle-free, fast and secure way to make online payments, explaining that with the NBK Secure Shopping service, customers can now confirm all online payments directly and easily through the NBK Mobile Banking App without the need to enter an OTP.

The service is available to NBK debit card holders (international spend only), NBK foreign currency prepaid card holders and NBK multi-currency prepaid card holders. To use it, customers must enable NBK push notifications.

After activating NBK push notifications, the customer will be able to make purchases through the NBK Mobile Banking App as they will receive a push notification which they can click to be redirected to the app and confirm the payment in simple steps. If the push notification service is not activated, the customer will need to go to the app and follow the steps to confirm the payment.

Speaking at the launch of the new service, Bader Al-Janah, Head of Card Products at the Consumer Banking Group of the National Bank of Kuwait, said: “At NBK, we are committed to offering all new services to our customers as we always strive to provide premium, highly secure and cutting-edge products and services that meet their needs and diverse lifestyles.”

“NBK continues to strengthen its digital excellence through the services of its Mobile Banking App, which customers largely rely on for their banking transactions. This is in line with our unwavering commitment to provide a market-leading digital banking experience that not only meets customers’ needs but also exceeds their expectations,” he noted.

With the NBK Mobile Banking App, NBK aims to provide its customers with a secure platform to conveniently manage their finances at any time. This service facilitates a wide range of banking transactions, including opening new accounts, monitoring transactions on accounts and credit cards, accessing accumulated NBK Miles and NBK Rewards Program points, settling credit card dues, paying electronic bills, locating the nearest NBK branches, ATMs and CDMs across Kuwait, updating personal information and many other services.

Customers can easily download the NBK Mobile Banking app, which is currently available on various platforms including App Store, Google Play and Huawei AppGallery.

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By Olivia

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