King County offers free clinics to help children catch up on their vaccinations

During and after the pandemic, children fell behind on their vaccinations – and so far they are not catching up.

To help change this, many South King County counties are offering free clinics to provide vaccinations to children living there, as well as to those who are uninsured, homeless, new to the United States, or without an established primary care physician.

The clinics are focused on South King County because vaccination rates tend to be lower there.

“This leaves room for vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks,” says Debra Berliner, program manager in the county health department’s immunization division. “This leaves people vulnerable – especially people who are too young to be vaccinated, immunocompromised people and seniors.”

RELATED: Global vaccine report: We are stuck

Berliner said she is particularly concerned about measles and whooping cough because those diseases are highly contagious and dangerous – sometimes even fatal. A whooping cough outbreak is currently spreading in South King County.

There are a number of potential obstacles to vaccination, Berliner said.

“Often parents and caregivers work multiple jobs, and it can be difficult to get to a vaccination appointment for their child,” she said. “There is a lack of reliable and affordable transportation. Long wait times for medical appointments. In some communities, trust is undermined due to historical injustices, language barriers and fear of deportation.”

“For many families, vaccination clinics in familiar and trusted community settings are the best and sometimes only option,” she added.

RELATED: CDC report finds nursing homes lagging behind on COVID vaccinations

The district’s upcoming consultation hours will take place in schools, libraries and at community events.

Vaccination rates in the county were at an all-time high in 2019 but dropped during and after the pandemic. Now the county is trying to make up lost ground.

By Olivia

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