How to get rid of bad breath


Nobody wants bad breath, but almost all of us have experienced it at some point. “About 30% of the population struggles with bad breath on a regular basis, and no one is immune to it,” says Dr. Christopher Pullins, a family medicine physician at the Mayo Clinic.

One reason bad breath is so common is that many of the things that cause bad breath are part of our everyday lives. For example, the foods we eat often affect bad breath. Particularly strong-smelling foods such as onions, fish, garlic, Brussels sprouts, potato chips, horseradish, coffee, citrus fruits, spicy foods, and cheese and other dairy products are likely to have a negative effect on bad breath.

But no matter what is behind the bad breath, it is possible to get rid of it – or at least reduce it significantly.

What is bad breath?

Bad breath is a common term that refers to bad breath, known as halitosis. “It’s an unpleasant odor that’s often caused by diet, poor dental hygiene or an underlying medical condition,” says Kasandra Heath, a board-certified dental hygienist at Mesa View Dental in St. George, Utah.

The cause is often foul-smelling sulfur compounds that are produced by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria that live in the mouth and especially on the tongue.

What causes bad breath? Bad breath is common but preventable. Here’s why it happens.

Why do some people get bad breath more easily than others?

Although these bacteria are ubiquitous and can survive in any mouth, some people suffer from bad breath more often than others because “the causes of bad breath are multifactorial,” says Pullins.

He says that someone who doesn’t practice dental hygiene, for example, is more likely to have more of these bacteria in their mouth than someone who brushes and flosses regularly. The same is true for smokers or people who eat odor-producing foods, rather than people who avoid such products.

People who take or are being treated for medications for high blood pressure, chemotherapy, diabetes interventions or antihistamines may also be more likely to suffer from bad breath.

“Certain medical conditions can also cause bad breath,” says Dr. Mirissa Price, an expert with the American Dental Association and a pediatric dentist at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Such diseases include dry mouth, periodontitis, gastrointestinal diseases or respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis or postnasal drip. People with sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea also suffer more frequently from bad breath, as these diseases dry out the mouth at night – saliva production decreases and the mouth can no longer clean itself.

According to Heath, people with acid reflux are also more likely to suffer from bad breath, “due to the reflux of stomach acid and undigested food into the esophagus.”

Important to know: Nobody wants to have high blood pressure. Here’s how to keep it low (but not too low).

How to get rid of bad breath

Pullins says the best place to start to get rid of bad breath is to practice good dental hygiene by “flossing and brushing all surfaces of the mouth morning and night and after meals.” He adds that “regular dental cleanings are also important to prevent periodontal disease.”

Heath agrees, saying that mouthwash and paying special attention to keeping your tongue clean “can also kill a lot of bacteria.” She adds that mints and chewing gum “can help in a pinch, but remember that these only help mask your bad breath and do not eliminate the root cause of the odor.”

Price says it’s also wise to avoid habits like smoking and excessive sugar consumption, as excessive consumption of sugar and tobacco products can lead to tooth decay. She also advises keeping saliva flowing in the mouth, as this is the body’s way of naturally cleaning out many of the odor-causing bacteria that live there. “Eat healthy foods that require a lot of chewing, like apples or celery, as this can stimulate saliva flow,” she suggests.

“And if you still have doubts about the cause of your bad breath,” she adds, “it’s best to make an appointment with your dentist to clarify other possible causes.”

By Olivia

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