8 things I want to see in season 2 of NCIS: Sydney


  • NCIS: Sydney’s unique filming location offers fresh storylines and compelling characters not seen on the national NCIS series.
  • Look forward to deeper character development in Season 2, including JD’s expanded role in his family and Mackey’s mysterious past.
  • Possible crossovers with other NCIS franchises and the need for a new villain in Season 2 leave us wanting more.

The first episodes of NCIS: Sydney has raised high expectations for the second season in me. Spinoff is the first show in the NCIS: Secret Service Stories franchise that takes place outside the United States. The new location allows the show to develop interesting storylines that can be played out in a domestic NCIS: Secret Service Stories Series.

The series is an exciting addition to the NCIS: Secret Service Stories franchise and features a team of well-rounded characters. Season 1 also features a number of dramatic storylines and plot twists that NCIS: Secret Service Stories is known for. The first season thrilled me NCIS: Sydney Season 2 because it raised several stories in the eight short episodes. While the options for action for NCIS: Sydney Season 2 The choice is endless, and I’m particularly looking forward to some.


NCIS: Sydney – Cast and Character Guide

While NCIS ventures Down Under with “NCIS: Sydney,” the spin-off features a diverse cast of seasoned veterans and up-and-coming TV stars from Australia.

8 JD’s expanded role in his family after the kidnapping scare

The kidnapping will likely make JD more protective

The NCIS: Sydney Season finale revealed that JD’s son was kidnapped from a wanted felon in exchange for the season’s villain, Ana Niemus. In a previous episode, it was revealed that JD had a son, but not much more was known about his family life other than that he was in the middle of a divorce. NCIS: Secret Service Stories Series are known for focusing on police work rather than the personal lives of the team members, but by bringing JD’s son into the case, the stakes were even higher for the team.

What I want to see for JD in NCIS: Sydney Season 2 is an expanded role in his family. NCIS special agents don’t have much time for a personal life given their stressful workload, but given the anxiety JD had over the kidnapping of his son Jack, I wish JD would make more of an effort to be present in his son’s life. He obviously cares deeply about Jack, and it was clear in the season finale that the blame for the kidnapping rested heavily on JD because he wasn’t there to prevent it.

7 Bluebird, Mackey and Evie spend time together outside of work

You could also become friends outside of work

When NCIS: Sydney Mackey didn’t get along well with her teammates at first, especially JD, but she also didn’t get along well with Bluebird, the show’s quirky forensic scientist. NCIS: Sydney Main characters all have their own personality and abilities, but over time, The series has shown how the characters warm to each other. It would be nice if this continued in season 2, especially with Mackey, Evie and Bluebird.

Episode 7, “Bunker Down,” saw the three characters working together and spending time together. And even though it was on one case, it showed how the three agents can work together using each other’s strengths and personalities. I would have liked to have seen more interactions with the three of them in the morning before the investigation begins or at the end when the cases are closed. Evie, Mackey and Bluebird are all complex characters with their own motivationsand it’s nice to see how the three of them interact with each other despite their differences.

6 A look into Mackey’s mysterious past

Mackey keeps her secrets to herself

Mackey is the lead special agent of the NCIS and AFP task force of NCIS: Sydney and it is clear from the first episode of the series that she keeps her secrets to herself. She is very reserved and calm when dealing with her team. Her calmness is probably the reason why she had trouble getting along with Bluebird at the beginning, because she and Blue are complete opposites. Mackey’s reserved personality also suggests a mysterious past.

Episode 4, “Ghosted,” offers a brief revelation into Mackey’s tragic past. While interrogating a murder suspect, Mackey uses her experience in the Marines to build a connection with the suspect and help him open up to her. Not much else is known about Mackey’s personal life, but from her brief dialogue in the scene, it’s clear that what she saw on her tour weighs heavily on her. I just hope that NCIS: Sydney Season 2 delves into Mackey’s past and helps uncover her reserved facade.

5 A crossover with NCIS

This has happened before with spin-offs

A crossover with NCIS: Secret Service Stories or his other spin-offs would be an exciting addition to NCIS: Sydney. While a crossover with NCIS: Sydney If this seems impossible given the situation, this can be done through video calls or international travel. The show’s creator, Morgan O’Neill, even spoke out and said:Never say never regarding a NCIS: Secret Service Stories franchise Crossover. Back NCIS: Secret Service Stories Spin-offs had successful crossovers, setting the precedent for future spin-offs to do the same.

If a physical crossover is not possible, then even a crossover via video call, email correspondence or name dropping would be a nice way to incorporate Easter eggs for long-time viewers of the series.

Crossovers are also not limited to being physically in the same place. The Special Agent-In-Charge of the NCIS: Sydney Unit, Ken Carter, appeared via video call with Mackey and JD. The director of NCIS: Secret Service StoriesLeon Vance was also mentioned by name. If a physical crossover is not possible, then even a crossover via video call, email correspondence or name dropping would be a fun way to incorporate Easter eggs for long-time viewers of the series. A crossover would also help link the franchisebecause the Sydney location creates distance from the other series.

4 The friendship between JD and Mackey

The two begin to get along

Something else that would be great to see in NCIS: Sydney Season 2 is a developing friendship between Mackey and JD. The series starts with them not getting along well, arguing about who is better suited to be the team leader of the joint task force. Due to Mackey’s reserved personality, it takes a while for them to warm up. At the end of the season, it seems as if the two have built a trusting relationshipbut it would be nice if this was expanded upon in season 2.

Season 1 reveals JD’s family history and one way to deepen the friendship between Mackey and JD would be if Mackey reveals her family history to JD in Season 2. This would show that a bond has developed between the two. Since the team often works together under dangerous circumstances, A trusting relationship between Mackey and JD would help strengthen the teambecause the characters have to trust their teammates to survive in emergency situations.

3 Relationship between DeShawn and Evie

The romance was already hinted at in season 1

NCIS: Sydney has shown a growing relationship between Special Agents DeShawn and Evie. Although there haven’t been any big moments yet, the two often flirt with each other in a charming way, which makes me excited to see what might happen in Season 2. Their relationship also has similarities to Tony and Ziva’s relationship in the earlier seasons of NCIS: Secret Service StoriesIt is questionable whether the two will actually get together or whether they will just continue to flirt casually.

The biggest moment for Evie and DeShawn’s romance was in episode 7, “Bunker Down,” when Evie thought she was running out of air and dying in a bunker, so she created a voice memo for DeShawn to find. However, after she is rescued, Evie deletes the voice memo and does not mention it to DeShawn. The secrecy of the voice memo, as well as Their relationship “will they, won’t they” suggests a possible relationship in future seasons.

2 NCIS: Sydney needs a new villain

Season 2 needs a replacement for Ana Niemus

NCIS: Sydney had something that was quite unusual for the NCIS: Secret Service Stories Franchise; there was a seasonal villain. Typically NCIS: Secret Service Stories Episodes are self-contained, with each episode following a separate procedural case. Although there are exceptions, the franchise usually follows the typical procedural format. Season 1 of NCIS: Sydney had a constant antagonist. Ana Niemus was first introduced as a mysterious suspect in episode 1, “Gone Fission.” The team failed to catch her then, but she reappeared in the final two episodes of the season and played a major role in the finale.

Ana escapes in the season finale after saving JD and his son Jack from being killed by Ana’s colleague Yaroslav. Her mercy and departure show that this will not be the last time she will be in NCIS: Sydney. There will also be room for a new villain in Season 2. Have an overarching story in the background NCIS: Secret Service Stories Cases pull the season together and hints at what the finale might entail. While I hope Ana returns soon, I think season 2 should introduce a new villain.

1 Rankin’s role explained

The director may pose the greatest threat to the team

The NCIS: Sydney The season one finale reveals a huge plot twist. In the finale, JD bluffs by arranging an exchange of wanted felon Ana for his kidnapped son Jack. While JD attempts the exchange in front of Yaroslav, his son’s abductor, the team observes this via CIA satellite assets provided by Rankin, the team’s leader. In a shocking twist, Ana kills Yaroslav and frees JD and Jack before giving Yaroslav’s phone to JD and telling him to “call a friend.” As JD calls the only number on Yaroslav’s phone, Rankin’s phone starts ringing.

The finale implies a connection between Rankin and NCIS: SydneyThe biggest villains. Most shockingly, Rankin provided the CIA’s satellite resources to find JD and his son, and Rankin was the one who instigated Ana’s exchange for Jack. If he hadn’t helped the team find Jack, his connection to Yaroslav would likely never have been revealed. Currently, it seems as though Rankin is the biggest threat to the NCIS: Sydney Team.

By Olivia

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