Iñigo Lekue admits they have been better

Barça dominates Montjuïc game, Lekue admits: “They were better, we were missing something”

<h2> Iñigo Lekue admits they have been better </h2>
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Iñigo Lekue admits they have been better

Iñigo Lekue admitted without hesitation to FC Barcelona that Barça were superior in the game at Montjuïc, especially in the second half. DAZN Cameras. “They were better. Our goal was to hold on, to stop them from creating chances and not to get hurt. We managed that in the first half, but in the second half we were missing something,” said the current right-back.

The Deusto player feels that they are struggling to “keep the tempo to keep up until the end and win” and has pointed out the weaknesses at the start of the season. “Our game is based on the intensity we show, stealing the ball in the opposition’s half and pressing high. In the second half we were not able to implement our game plan,” said the player from Biscay.

This content has been translated and adapted from the Spanish version of the digital newspaper

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