Paul Mac Special, the hatter, hairdresser and designer on Bambie Thug, Glow Up and hairdressing

After designing for Bambie Thug, the hairdresser/designer is determined to push the boundaries of art and fashion

Hairdresser and designer Paul Mac Special. Photo: David Murphy

Hair/Headwear/Creative Direction: Paul Mac Special. Photography: Kest. Makeup: Liam Bee. Editing: Ryan L Designs. Model: Minnie Marley.

Hair/Headwear/Creative Direction: Paul Mac Special. Photography: Kest. Makeup: Liam Bee. Editing: Ryan L Designs. Model: Jena Keating

Bambie Thug in the Sunday Independent’s Life magazine. Photo: Evan Doherty.

“I work as a hairdresser in my day-to-day life, but I have always been interested in creative and editorial work,” says Paul Mac Special. “During the lockdown, I McQueen, the Alexander McQueen documentary on Netflix and saw his collaboration with Irish milliner Philip Treacy in the 1990s. I was just blown away and knew I wanted to try it. With everything closed during Covid-19, I had all the time in the world to learn.”

The avant-garde designer found a connection to his past through his work. “My grandmother was a seamstress. I think that’s where I got my creativity from. Although she died when I was quite young, I later realized that she was a night owl just like me,” says Mac Special. “I start working at midnight and can stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning. I feel much more creative than during the day.”

Bambie Thug in the Sunday Independent’s Life magazine. Photo: Evan Doherty.

Since Mac Special can express his creativity in the witching hour, it’s no surprise that he has collaborated with mystical singer Bambie Thug, who represented Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest in May and featured in Mac Special’s designs on the cover of this magazine in April.

“Funny enough, we’re both from Cork, but I didn’t get to know Bambie Thug until a make-up artist I’d lent a piece to in London sent me a picture of Bambie wearing my headdress and told me they’d found the perfect model.”

A promising pairing was formed and Bambie Thug has been featured in many of Mac Special’s designs since then. He found a close bond with the singer as they both went against the status quo of their hometown.

Hair/Headwear/Creative Direction: Paul Mac Special. Photography: Kest. Makeup: Liam Bee. Editing: Ryan L Designs. Model: Minnie Marley.

“I’m a bit of a black sheep in Cork where I live. It can be a bit conservative and GAA-orientated… and then there’s me,” says Mac Special, laughing. “Even in hair competitions, when I started doing more alternative stuff, I was told to take it easy. But then Paul Stafford (of Stafford Hair, Belfast), who was my mentor, encouraged me to keep going. He said once I got the recognition from the UK and America, Ireland would be all about me.

“And that’s exactly what happened. I didn’t even make it into a hair show for three years until I was inducted into the Irish Hairdressers Hall of Fame.

“I was on the British men’s hairdressing team. I also travelled to the States to give master classes. I was also a guest judge at the Irish Light up Semi-final. The participants worked with my pieces. It was a great opportunity. Love IslandThe presenter was Maura Higgins.”

Mac Special is a creative force and we can’t wait to see what he does next.

By Olivia

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