Why is Ohio State paying Ryan Day a performance bonus?  million is more than enough.


  • Students will pay the price for Carter’s raise
  • Donald Trump’s darkness will cover the earth
  • Why is $10 million not enough for Ryan Day?
  • DeWine agreed to the unconstitutional law

Why is $10 million not enough for Ryan Day?

The recent news that Ohio State University has increased the performance bonus for football coach Ryan Day is puzzling and difficult to understand.

Let’s be honest: He already makes $10 million a year. Isn’t that base salary enough incentive to train his team to peak performance?

More: Ohio State adds new playoff incentives to Ryan Day’s contract: What the football coach could get

Really? What is OSU thinking? Apparently not much.

Chet Ridenour Sr., Worthington

“Astonishingly corrupt” Frank LaRose is back

Subject: “Frank LaRose has abandoned his commitment to impartiality,” August 20: Leave it to Mike Curtin, one of Ohio’s best journalists, to put the tail on the donkey.

Or in this case, the “elephant” known as Secretary of State Frank LaRose.

For the third time since last year, LaRose is leading the charge to force another terrible idea on the people of Ohio, in this case wrapped up in language adopted by the clearly partisan Ohio Ballot Board, led by LaRose, on a constitutional amendment to redistrict.

Curtin summed up the horror of LaRose’s latest fever dream in two words: “astonishingly corrupt.”

Hopefully the Ohio Supreme Court will launch a torpedo to sink such a slow and easy target. But I wonder: what will this guy come up with next?

John Meyer, Worthington

Donald Trump’s darkness will cover the earth

Bible believers idolize false prophets, and Bible prophecy comes true.

Monday, January 20, 2025: Donald Trump takes the oath of office, crossing his fingers behind his back, but promptly ignores it.

A biblical prophecy states (Isaiah 60:1-5): “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples…”

Mike Howard, Westerville

Students and parents will pay the price for Carter’s raise

I am very disappointed by Ohio State University’s decision to give its president, Ted Carter, a significant salary increase and a very large bonus.

What has he done to deserve such a bonus and raise in the short time he has been OSU president? With raises and bonuses like these, tuition and fees for OSU students will continue to rise.

More: Ohio State President Ted Carter to receive pay raise after eight months in office

Martin Hibbard, Gahanna

Mike DeWine participated in the deception

Governor Mike DeWine claims there will be extreme gerrymandering if State Issue 1 is passed on November 5.

He knows better, but he and his sycophants are doing everything they can to twist the truth and spread misinformation in an effort to scare and confuse voters and get them to reject this latest ballot initiative.

Unfortunately, if the Governor had forced fair and transparent redistricting in 2021, as required by the current Ohio Constitution, I would never have signed a petition in support of Issue 1 this year.

That was not necessary. Instead, DeWine chose to abandon his personal, professional and political integrity to support an unconstitutional sham trial.

More: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine rejects vote on redistricting

This effort secured an overwhelming majority for Republicans in the Ohio State Legislature and led to a political misrepresentation of Ohio in the United States Congress – both against the will of the people.

DeWine finally “ran out the clock” and achieved his gerrymandering goals in 2022. Now people are responding to this abuse of political power with Issue 1.

If you care about fair political representation for Ohio, you can achieve that with Issue 1.

Mark Mathys, Columbus

By Olivia

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