The University of Tennessee offers support to veterans through the Veteran Success Center

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – The University of Tennessee is looking for ways to help those who have served our country.

Through the Veteran Success Center, they offer tutoring, support, and a place to meet other veterans with similar experiences.

“We started thinking a little more broadly than just the benefits. On the financial side, we thought about how we can make sure that each and every one of our veterans succeeds on campus, and we know that the transition is different for each of our veterans. You know, they’re going from being a soldier to being a student,” said Dr. Amber Williams, the assistant director of student success.

Dr. Williams said there are currently about 700 students enrolled at UT who have participated in the program. The program aims to help all of these students successfully return to school.

“I would love to meet with every single veteran on this campus on a regular basis. We do our best by reaching out to them in a variety of ways, through our social media, with our emails, just with our signs on campus to let them know,” said Thomas Cruise, executive director of the Success Center.

What the student veterans value most about the center is the sense of community.

Zachary Scott loves being around people who have had similar experiences to him.

“A sense of community. You know, everyone here is in a similar situation, and you saw that in basic training and stuff. You know, a sense of connection in difficult times and when you go through similar situations,” Scott said.

Click here for more information about the Veteran Success Center.

By Olivia

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