Justa Center works to better protect homeless seniors from Arizona’s scorching summer

Reporting on ageing is partly supported by AARP Arizona

In April, KJZZ reported how an organization that supports homeless seniors was preparing for our hot summerThis is how it goes in August.

Last year, members of the Justa Center in Phoenix suffered dehydration, heat exhaustion and even heat stroke. This year, the story is different.

Rudy Soliz works at the Justa Center. Even before summer began, he was preparing for our intense heat. The members of the Justa Center are given hats like this one to protect them from the sun.

Rudy Soliz works at the Justa Center. Even before summer began, he was preparing for our intense heat. The members of the Justa Center are given hats like this one to protect them from the sun.

“You know, we’ve been pretty lucky since the beginning of this summer that we haven’t had that many emergency calls for dehydration or falls,” said Rudy Soliz, the center’s operations manager.

“We’ve been using a lot of water. In a week and a half, we use about two pallets of water. And then we also have cold water outside for the members. We freeze water, we get electrolytes. We have cooling hats, cooling towels, umbrellas, things to give them shade, things to keep them cool,” Soliz said.

The Justa Center cares for homeless seniors aged 55 and over. In the summer, the Justa Center is open seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The Justa Center cares for homeless seniors aged 55 and over. In the summer, the Justa Center is open seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Pamela, 59, is a member of the Justa Center. She did not want to give her last name.

“It’s deadly to be in the heat,” she said. “You don’t realize you’re having heat exhaustion, or you don’t realize it until you’ve reached the point of no return.”

Whatever she has, she said. “Several times. Nausea, vomiting. Dizziness, fainting,” Pamela said.

Soliz says the Justa Center has received a large amount of these stainless steel water bottles as donations. He says members can fill them with ice to cool down.

Soliz says the Justa Center has received a large amount of these stainless steel water bottles as donations. He says members can fill them with ice to cool down.

According to the National Weather Service, this could be the hottest summer on record.

By Olivia

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