Enrich your heart and soul, save the date for the South Wayne PorchFest on Saturday, September 7th

“As everyone knows, last year we had torrential rain on both our regular date and our rain date.

“But we didn’t just take it lying down. We pulled ourselves together and, with the help of downtown Wayne businesses, hosted a successful Indoors PorchFest.

“This year we hope to get things back to normal with a beautiful day and fantastic music,” says Cathy Agnew, founder and impresario of the South Wayne PorchFest.

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This is the seventh year, beginning in 2017, and PorchFest takes place every September, with the exception of 2020.

Agnew continues: “When we started, we had no idea how it would be received and whether it would grow.

“We started with the complete consent of our neighborhood. That made everything possible.

“We knew we had to close the streets to motor vehicles so everyone could walk around safely.

“For the first few years, our biggest obstacles were finding bands and getting the message across to everyone who wanted to come that this would be a great day.

“That’s how we recruited different acts: We went to open mic nights and then asked some of the good acts we saw to play at PorchFest.

“But you know, it was really a joy to find these musicians.

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“We have grown so much in the last seven years that all kinds of music acts now ask us to perform at PorchFest.

“In 2017 we had 28 acts on 17 porches. This year we have 56 different acts on 39 porches. As we say, our motto is ‘everything from a cappella to zydeco.'”

Word has gotten out that South Wayne PorchFest is a place for great music, and if you want to get your name out there, South Wayne PorchFest is one of the places to perform.

On September 7, 2024, visitors can look forward to musicians from San Francisco, New England, Broadway and People’s Light.

This year we’ll also feature classical music greats like the Philadelphia Ballet and the American Classical Orchestra, as well as super-fun musicians from Maryland, West Virginia and Connecticut.

Attendees can look forward to seeing a great singer-songwriter originally from nearby who is now making a splash in Nashville; young rockers fresh off their Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame appearances; and all the extremely talented musicians from the Delaware Valley.

Agnew enthuses: “We are also bringing back our Rising Stars porch.

“To honor our rising stars of the past: We are so proud to see them making their way in the music world in LA, Nashville and New York.

“One day you will no doubt say you saw Sarah Shoumer or Maxie Mandel or Alex Oliva or Niva Menon when they were just starting out at the South Wayne PorchFest.

“To grow our audience, we did all the usual things: posters, flyers, Facebook, those kinds of ways to spread the word.

“But I think what helped us grow the most was the word of mouth that there’s a lot of great music there, that it’s a great place for the whole family, and that our neighborhood is honestly so warm and welcoming that people feel very comfortable.

“It is truly a joyful day.

“And do we have tables and sales tents? Not in the traditional sense, where traders sell all kinds of products.

“Main Line Pizza will be selling its great sandwiches and at Sugaree, the ice cream truck and snack stands will be run by local organizations.

“On our theme of ‘Homes and Music,’ Hosts for Hospitals, an organization that looks for homes for families coming to our area for medical care, set up an information booth.

“In addition, the Delco Arts Consortium will have an information booth for Delco Arts Week this year and our esteemed local theater, People’s Light, will also have a booth.

“We are also bringing back chalk painting. Children of all ages created such beautiful works of art on our streets in 2022.

“This year we always start with a brass band to announce on the street that PorchFest has begun.

“This year it’s the Radnor High School Pep Band.

“At lunchtime we start with 11 different acts: folk, rock, a cappella school groups, Americana, classical strings, singer-songwriters and New Orleans jazz.

“Just for your information: our children’s entertainment starts at 1 p.m.”

The music and entertainment – ​​45 additional musical acts – last all day, culminating with PorchFest’s version of Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe In-The-Round.

Nearly a dozen musicians on a veranda play the audience’s favorite songs, a wonderful hour and a crowd favorite.

Agnew encourages: “So come to the South Wayne PorchFest on Saturday, September 7th from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

“Walk through the streets. You will surely hear something that touches your ear and hopefully your heart.”

For more information, visit the South Wayne PorchFest website:

By Olivia

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