State lawmakers ask Tennessee Attorney General for help in combating food price gouging

Tennesseans are monitoring the economic situation and speaking out after two state legislators moved to crack down on what they say are unfair grocery store prices.

These lawmakers want the state’s attorney general to join the federal fight against price gouging.

When it comes to stockpiling food, it puts a lot of pressure on people’s budgets.

One buyer says, “My salary shrinks every time I go to the market.”

Another consumer says, “I take what I can get to make ends meet.”

And a third shopper says: “With current food prices, I can’t imagine feeding a family.”

That’s why House Representative Aftyn Behn and Senator Charlane Oliver sent this letter to Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti urging him to join a bipartisan national coalition to end price gouging:

Oliver says, “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has an agricultural competition partnership that allows state attorneys general to receive funding so we can combat price gouging in our state.”

While Senator Oliver says corporate greed is to blame, Skrmetti says the price increases are either the result of bad federal policy or bad luck. We’ve had this debate with regular shoppers. While some don’t know who is to blame, one woman says, “Definitely bad federal policy. I mean, it all has its origins, you know? It starts at the top and then goes down.”

And while the Attorney General says he is not necessarily opposed to joining the partnership, he is not willing to take action until he is sure it will benefit the people of Tennessee. His response is as follows:

Oliver praises Attorney General Skrmetti for his successes in consumer protection so far and for the fact that he cares about consumer protection as much as she does.

She adds: “We may not agree on why these things happen, but we can agree that we both want to protect consumers and we should find common ground on this point.”

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By Olivia

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